Chapter 28- The Booty Call and The Chrysanthemum

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The car pulled up to the house. Mycroft got out of the car and started walking up to his house. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed something was different. Chrysanthemums on his lawn and his front yard. He bent down and touched the flowers. They were blooming well and the color was vibrant, some white, some red, some pink, and others yellow. They were flourishing, the white ones more than the others.

He picked up his phone and called Tara.

'Have I always had chrysanthemums in the front yard or am I slowly going insane?' he asked ignoring the pleasantries.

She laughed 'No, you're not going insane and I promise to kill you if you do. I planted them before Christmas' she told him, pleasantries were becoming a thing of the past.

'You did not'

'I sure did. When you asked me to spend the weekend with you and then ditched me. I'm a little surprised you didn't notice them sooner. You're getting old.' She teased him.

He laughed 'I can't believe it, I didn't notice it sooner. Where you that bored?' he ignored the 'you're getting old' comment.

'You invited me to spend the entire weekend with you. I had nothing to do. Your fridge had nothing in there I could bake out of. The next thing I knew I was down on my knees in the dirt, earthworms and all' she laughed.

'I can't even picture it and I know you have plants in your apartment' he said between laughs.

'Neither can I, and I was there. Having a few plants in my apartment is very different from gardening on a lawn. It got really messy, real quick.' She laughed.

'They seem to be doing very well.' he said

'Yeah. I know. I stopped by to check on them.'

'Thank you'

'You're very welcome' she chirped

'What else? Distract me from all the scandal and gossip.' He asked.

'What else......' she sighed 'Oh, the weirdest thing happened the other day, this man came into the bakery and said he recognized me. And for the life of me, I couldn't recognize him. He had such a peculiar look. He was a tall man with a beard, well dressed in a suit. His long salt and pepper hair tied neatly in a ponytail. Not something one would forget....' She was interrupted by a notification on Mycroft's phone. 'What was that?'

'I just got an email' he told her and looked at his phone to check the mail.

'Work?' she asked.

'Yes, Work' he sighed

'Go, if you need to get back to them' she told him.

'No, it can wait. I'm talking to you' he really did want to talk to her, it had been a while.

'That's okay. I'm going to have to head to work soon anyway. See you soon?' she asked hopefully.

'I hope so.' He said in exasperation. They hadn't seen each other in three weeks and even though now he was back in London, he was buried in work and didn't have the time to see her.

Before Mycroft heads out to work again, he cuts off some of the most beautiful chrysanthemums from his yard. He arranges them into a beautiful bouquet and wraps it with some baking paper, Tara had left behind.

When he enters his office, he sees Anthea sitting on her desk working. She looked exhausted.

'Anthea, you've been working all night. Thomas will drop you off, go home get some rest.' He said as he walked to his office.

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