Chapter 27- The Witch and the Diplomatic Fire

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Mycroft and Tara lay in bed. Mycroft could hear the wind chimes on Tara's window and the birds chirping away. Tara was sleeping soundly in his arms, her head on his shoulder and her silky-smooth hair tickling his neck and chest. Mycroft ran his fingers through her hair. Tara moaned and stirred awake. She woke up to Mycroft staring at her face.

She smiled at him. 'You look so pretty' she whispered with a coy smile.

Mycroft chuckled 'Good, I woke up early to put my makeup on' She let out a soft laugh at that. 'Just kidding. I did do my hair, though' he joked again.

'My, My, Mycroft Holmes joking. Are you sick? Did someone slip you a magic potion?' she teased and touched his forehead.

Catching her hand in his, he pulled her close. 'Yes. I think it's a witch called Tara Matthews' he played along.

'Dear Lord! What have I done to you?' she smiled, stroking his chin with her thumb.

'You made me happy' he told her, stroking his thumb against her cheek

'You made me happy too' she smiled.

'Oh, Dear God! What is happening?' Mycroft grimaced.

'This just got way too cheesy' Tara laughed and Mycroft joined. Tara was happy to see him laugh like that, let his heart out, and relax. Especially after how difficult the holidays had been for him. After their laughter died down, Tara smiled at him 'Hey, you want to go paragliding with me next weekend?' she asked all of a sudden.

'Isn't life enough of a thrill for you?' he asked.

'Obviously not, I am dating you' she teased.

'Speaking of, there is something we need to talk about' he said, turning on his side to face her.

'Nothing good ever happens after that sentence' she sighed and fell on her back. 'I knew this was too good to be true' she muttered more to herself than him.

Mycroft huffed a laugh. 'It's nothing like that. I am just going away for a while' He assured her.

'So, this is goodbye, huh?' she asked.

'I'll be back soon enough.' He reassured her and caressed her cheek.

'Can you tell me where you're going?' she asked with childlike enthusiasm.

'No' Mycroft smiled in amusement.

Tara pouted and asked 'Why are you going?'

'I need to put out some diplomatic fires' he said vaguely

'Hhmmmnn. Boring. When will you be back?'

'I don't know. Might take a while' he told her in disappointment.

'Well, you will be missed' she said with a smile.

Mycroft smiled and pressed a kiss against her forehead.


Each day that passed they learned something new about each other. And they knew they had so many more layers to uncover. That was the best part of their relationship. Mycroft loved to discover new things about her that weren't in her file. Only in those moments, it felt like they had a normal relationship. He loved the way she would light up when she saw him like he was the only man in the world. He loved how he could never intimidate her no matter how much he tried. How his perfectionism almost never irritated her. He loved the way she didn't fuss over his quirks and kinks and how she was always respectful of his rules. That did not mean she agreed to everything he did. No, she stood her stand when she had to and he admired that. She knew how important his job was and that it required a level of secrecy most people didn't agree with. But she understood and was respectful of the level of secrecy he maintained. She liked being a part of his world and he liked being a part of hers.

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