Chapter 49- Time to Meet

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Mycroft gives Tara a gear and a Kevlar to wear under her shirt. As they go over their plan again, Lady Smallwood walks up to them. 'Tara, don't take any action. Just go where he calls you and make the drop. I want my daughter safe and sound.' Lady Smallwood warned Tara.


'Ok, this is the plan. Tara and I will get the cash and go alone in my car. Eight agents will go ahead of us and watch the place. I'm sure he'll ask to meet at a crowded place. Wait for your orders. I want to know who it is. Got it?' Mycroft explained to Tara, Sherlock, John, and a team of agents.

Tara's phone rings and she answers it.

'Hello, Nayantara! We're going to meet in exactly 20 minutes. How are you feeling?' He mused.

'I'm pretty excited' she said with a smirk.

'I'm pretty excited too. Come on. Charing Cross Subway Station'.............. 'Oh and don't forget to tell the Holmes boys and Dr. Watson to stay put, or else..... BOOM!'

Mycroft sighs in exasperation and hands her the bag. They weren't going to battle together after all. She gets into his car, driving to Charing Cross Station. Mycroft, Sherlock, John, and Lady Smallwood stayed at the scene with the bomb squad. Mycroft was in touch with the team at the cyber department and the team on the ground.

'Keep watching. No matter what happens don't act without my orders' he spoke into his com to the team at the station 'Rachel come in' he spoke to Rachel at the cyber department.

'Yes Sir?!' she replied.

'Stay alert! Track the GPS I put in the bag and follow it. Keep me updated' he ordered.

Tara reaches the Station and starts walking in with the bag of money in her hand. Her phone rings and she answered it.

'I know you're restless to meet me, darling. I am too. But what makes you think you have the right to violate the queue? Get in line, like everyone else.' He reprimands.

She stands in the queue, like everybody else, and walks through the metal detectors. It beeps as she walks through it

'Hey, did you hear that? It beeped.' He says excitedly. Tara walks up to the security, placing the bag in the baggage scan, and turns to the security guard, who stops her and checks her with a hand metal detector and it beeps too.

'Why is it beeping again, Nayantara? Come on, be a good girl and surrender everything' she surrenders the baton, pocket knife, and walkie-talkie she carried. 'Oh.... Weapons' he laughs.

Mycroft who is seeing this on the cameras 'Tell the main gate security to let her go' he orders. And they let her go but without her weapons, gear, or her walkie-talkie.

'Keep walking, Nayantara'

'Ms. Matthews, come in! Did you get any instructions? ..... Ms. Matthews can you hear me? ..... Ms. Matthews........ Ms. Matthews.' the team on the ground tries to contact her through the walkie-talkie, there is no response since she had to surrender it at the security.

'Come to the end of Platform No. 2, Nayantara' he tells her. 'Nayan, do you want to hear a story?' he asked. When Tara doesn't reply, he takes it as a yes and goes ahead. 'Once upon a time, there lived a lot of innocent lambs in a town. Knowing this, a shrewd fox kept hunting them down, controlling their lives... making them miserable. See, darling, he was no lion but he was the King of the Jungle.' he added with a smirk 'That's when two brave lambs set up a trap, awaiting the fox's arrival. But the fox was clever, wasn't he? Now, tell me, darling. Does the King ever fail? So, he sends his guard dog. And the guard dog fell into the trap as expected and because he held the keys to the fox's empire, the two lambs were able to destroy the fox and his empire. The lambs were very happy, they celebrated their victory. Perhaps, a little too soon because even a thousand lambs can't match a fox. Can they, darling?' He asked. Tara blinks in confusion. Why was he telling her this story? 'Now, tell me, sweetie, do you want to hear the end?' he asked and is met with silence. 'Maybe I can tell you the end when we meet' A high-pitched noise is heard on the coms and the agents are forced to remove their coms.

'Now stop!' he tells her as a train comes to a halt in front of her 'Get inside the train'

'Where are you?' Tara finally speaks

'I'm waiting for you in the first compartment. Come fast!'..... 'Faster' ....... 'Faster'.......... 'Faster' he says as she walks towards the first compartment. She walked faster and faster, and the agents struggled to catch up through the crowd. 'Get down with the bag'


'I said get down. Now!' he repeats sternly. She knew what he was trying to do but she does as he says, nonetheless.

All the agents are on the train and the doors close as she gets down. All the agents who were on the ground are now on the train and are gone. It's late at night and she stands alone in the station.

'Good Lord!' Mycroft says rubbing his hands over his face in frustration, as he watches his plan blow up in his face on the CCTV Cameras.

'So Sad!' he fakes a cry.... 'Ready?!' ......... 'Time to meet'

The power shuts down and the cameras are jammed.

A man walks towards Tara, wearing a gas mask, all she can see are his eyes.

'Hi, Nayantara! Cash?'

She hands him the bag. She takes the handcuffs in her back pocket to arrest him, but he cuts her to the chase.

'Let's have some fun! Shall we?' he smirks.


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