Chapter 15- Emoticons and Serbian

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Mycroft and Tara enjoyed each other's company over the weeks, but couldn't see each other often because of their work. Because of Tara's special recipes and interesting dessert combinations, the bakery gained a lot of popularity and she spent long hours at the bakery, barely going home. Mycroft was buried in work as well. They texted and spoke over the phone about their days, but longed to see each other. Tara would tell Mycroft about her new dessert ideas and even send him some to try, and Mycroft though he couldn't disclose any details, would tell her about the snobs and jerks he met at work, always making her laugh. Though from her file Mycroft knew about her past, details of what actually happened were something he didn't know, and he didn't think it was wise to go digging up the bones.

After two weeks of hectic work, Tara's day at work seemed a little relaxed. She decided to take this opportunity and spend some time with Mycroft. She pulled out her phone and began typing.



After half an hour he replied.



Are you busy?


Just got out of a meeting. Another one in 10 minutes. Why do you ask?


Wondering if you want to come over for dinner. I'll cook this time.


What time?


I'll get out of here by 9-9.30. I know it's late.


No, it's not. I'll be there. Do you want me to get anything?


Just yourself. ;-)


;-)? What is this supposed to mean?


It means I'm winking at you. Maybe I need to give you a crash course on emoticons.


I don't think I'll need that.


Knowledge is Priceless, Mycroft. ;-p


You do make a good point. :-\


Look at you learning a new language. ;-D


I learned Serbian in two hours. I was able to master it with enough fluency to fool my brother's captors and save his sorry arse. Now that is a language, not emoticons.


kako neko može istovremeno biti tako sladak, tako pametan i takav magarac? [how can someone be so cute, so smart, and such an ass at the same time?]


Impresioniran sam. Naučiću te kako kasnije. [I am impressed. I'll teach you how later.]


I got a customer, got to go. See you tonight. :-*


Don't know what that emoticon means. See you tonight.



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