Chapter 13- Dinner

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It was a normal day at work. Tara was still struggling with her feelings but she was happy that Mycroft was giving her a second chance. Grace was very confused because of the way her boss was acting the whole day. She was nervous and cheerful at the same time.

Tara knew she had to leave early so she could get ready for her date with Mycroft, so she decided to call Grace and let her know.

'Grace, I have to leave early this evening. So, can you close up today? And feel to close early if you want.' Tara told her as she placed a fresh cheesecake in the display case.

Grace could have guessed but she liked seeing her boss get flustered. 'Why?'

'I have plans' Tara's voice getting a little pitchy.

'Plans with the gentleman who made you late the other day' Grace smirked.

'None of your business' Tara turned away blushing slightly.

'Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But just don't be too late tomorrow' Grace teased and got back to her work.

Tara went back to her apartment at 6. She took a nice warm shower and got dressed. She wore a simple yet elegant dress. She never was a fan of makeup so she just stuck to her usual look with a little bit of lipstick and left her hair open. When she reached downstairs the black car was already there. Thomas greeted her with a warm smile and opened the door for her. She thanked him and when she got into the car, she noticed Anthea sitting next to her typing away on her phone as usual.

'Hi!' Tara said, trying to make conversation.

'Hi!' she replied, barely looking up from her phone.

'I am Tara Matthews'

'Anthea' she said without looking up from her phone and pretended to not recognize her.

'We've met before. You came to my bakery to pick up the Belgian chocolate cake for Mycroft' Tara tried to remind her.

'Oh, Yeah!' Anthea smiled

How Mycroft got any work done with Anthea as his assistant was a mystery to Tara.

'We're here, he is waiting inside' Anthea said when the car stopped in front of a huge mansion.

'Okay. Good Night Anthea, Thomas' Tara said as she started getting out of the car.

'Good Night' Anthea said without even looking up from her phone.

'Have a nice evening ma'am' Thomas said while opening the door for her.

'Thank you, Thomas' she smiled at the older man and went to the door.

She walked to the door and rang the doorbell. She was greeted by Mycroft. He wasn't in his three-piece suit look. Instead, he wore a simple white shirt, sleeves folded up to his elbows, and an apron on top. She figured he loosened up because he was cooking.

'Hey!' she smiled and kissed him.

'Hey!' he said, taking in every inch of her. She let her hair out of her usual messy bun and it looked beautiful. She looked beautiful. He took her coat, hanging it on the coat stand. He placed his hand on the small of her back, leading her into his house.

'You live here alone? Why?' His house was huge and it made her curious.

'I do and as a part of my job, I have to entertain a lot of high-profile guests. A place like this leaves a good impression' he smiled at her curiosity

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