Chapter 6- Cheesecake and Tea Part-2

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Mycroft helps her close up and they start walking.

There was an awkward silence between them. They could feel the tension rise.

'You known, it's Sherlock's birthday next week?!' Tara said in a desperate attempt to end the silence.

'Yes, I do know, he is my brother.' Mycroft chuckled. Tara's face flushed with embarrassment.

'Of course... I am baking him a cake' she said.

'Ah yes. John told me about that. The surprise party, and that you're baking a cake for Sherlock' this was the most awkward conversation Mycroft had had in a while.

'Do you have any ideas?' Tara asked after another minute of silence.

'For what?'

'For the cake'

'Oh yeah. Well, it is Sherlock, unless the cake has a case hidden in it, he wouldn't care.' he told her.

'huh... I don't think I can do that. I have been thinking about it for a while, and I don't have any ideas' Tara said disappointedly.

'Oh! don't beat yourself up about it. It's just a cake. It doesn't matter how it looks, it should taste good, and your cakes are delicious.' Mycroft tried to comfort her.

She rolled her eyes and stated 'You have had the same cheesecake exactly... twice'.

'You don't know that' Mycroft told her.

'Mr. Holmes, I think I would know if you came to my bakery' Tara told him.

'You can call me Mycroft and, ever so often I have my assistant pick up a slice of the Belgian chocolate cake from your bakery' Mycroft said scratching the back of his head.

Tara thought for a second 'Is your assistant the girl who comes every other day and barely looks up from her phone?' she asked when the realization dawned on her.

'Yes, that's Anthea. I've put on quite a bit of weight since you opened, Ms. Matthews' he said and subconsciously touched his stomach, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Tara.

'You can call me Tara, and Mycroft I think you look great, don't worry about it so much.' she told him as she softly touched his arms and slightly looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes.

Mycroft noticed her touch and wore a confused smile on his face. But neither of them was willing to confront that moment 'Sherlock would've begged to differ but thank you' he could feel the slight blush creeping up, on his neck.

'Speaking of Sherlock. I've always been kind of curious. How was he as a kid?' She changed the topic, sensing his discomfort.

Mycroft was internally screaming 'Why does everything in my life have to about my siblings?'

'Earth to Mycroft' Tara said waving her hand in front of his face when he seemed lost 'Are you there?'

'Yes, yes... My apologies. Sherlock was always just as smart. Not as smart as me of course. But he wasn't as rude and impolite as he is now.' He told her as he tried to gather his thought.

Tara chuckled 'No, no. Tell me something that could help with the cake.'

'Well...He initially wanted to be a pirate' he said.

'Wow wow wait wait. Sherlock wanted to be a pirate?' she was shocked.

'Yes, and now he is the world's only consulting detective. My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective' Mycroft said disappointedly.

'You really love him, don't you?' Tara grinned.

'Love is a strong word for that' rolled his eyes.

Tara chuckled at his awkwardness to express emotion. She enjoyed it but saved him the embarrassment and changed the topic 'So, are you going to be there next week. Sherlock won't say it but he will like.'

Mycroft scoffed at her last line. 'I'd rather not'.

'Oh! Come on Mycroft. He is your brother. You should come.' She urged and giving his arm a gentle punch.

He ignored her touch and the effect it was having on him. 'I don't particularly enjoy such gatherings. Sherlock seems slow to me. Can you imagine what real people are like? I'm living in a world of goldfish.' He told her without thinking for a second what he was saying, he was rather flustered.

At this Tara turned her head in astonishment and stopped walking. She stood and glared at him.

Mycroft stopped when he realized she was no longer walking with him. He turned around and looked at her face. He realized what he had said. 'I didn't mean you. You're a delight. You're not a goldfish' scared that he had offended her.

'I know.' she was still glaring.

'My apologies. I didn't mean to offend you. I don't think you're a goldfish' Mycroft said again.

'I should hope so, and you're coming to the party. I am not taking no for an answer.' the women in his life were so damn controlling. Wait now she was a woman in his life?

Mycroft surrendered.  'Alright. I'll be there. I'm sure it won't be half as bad with you there' he added.

Tara was so glad they were finally at Baker Street 221 because she could feel her face redden.

'Well, this is me... Thank you for everything, Mycroft' she didn't just mean that for saving her bakery and the walk.

'It was my pleasure. Good Night, Tara' Mycroft smiled politely at her.

'Good Night, Mycroft' she said and leaned up. She kissed his cheek and rushed inside.

Mycroft stood there blinking until he came back to his senses and called Thomas.

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