Chapter 29- Relationships with Heroin and Syrah

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Tara was working alone at the bakery. It wasn't rush hour so she could handle the customers herself. She sipped on her coffee and counted the money in the cash register. When her phone rang, she smiled and answered it, bringing it to her ear.

'Look at the camera and smile' The voice told her.

The camera changes its position from the window to the cash register. 'I'll do you one better, I'll blow you a kiss' she smiled and blew a kiss towards the camera.

'Any other woman would've been terrified by now' Mycroft chuckled.

'I am not any other woman' she pointed '.... God, it feels like you just came back' she exhaled.

'I did just come back' Mycroft agreed.

'Will it always be like this?' she asked him. He had just returned from a work trip and he was already on another one.

'No, it's not always like this. It's just that I have been busy with the Korean elections coming up.'

'You're okay, right?' she whispered. She seemed to have this strange feeling, every time he went away.

'I am fine. It's just diplomatic work' He assured her. He knew she was worried about him doing leg work.

'I miss you' she whispered and looked at the camera.

'I miss you as well... What have you been up to this week?' he changed the topic.

'Don't you already know?' she teased him.

'I am trying to make conversation here. Work with me' he told her.

'Alright, Molly threw a dinner party... Oh, and Mrs. Hudson made a very interesting observation, ours is the best relationship in our circle' she explained.

'Considering the fact that by our circle you mean two grown men who run around London solving crimes, a woman who used to run her husband's drug cartel, a divorced inspector who hasn't solved a case by himself in a long time, a specialist morgue registrar who is head over heels for my sociopathic brother, your borderline alcoholic assistant and a child, it isn't much of a compliment.' he pointed out, trashing everybody in the process.

'Grace is not a borderline alcoholic' Tara defended.

'Did you know your favorite employee once dumped a rum on fire on a man because he called her a dumb blond?' Mycroft asked with a smirk.

There was no defending Grace now. 'Huhhhh... Maybe the best-kept relationships in our circle are the ones Sherlock has with heroin and Grace has with Cabernet' she sighed.

'Actually, my brother broke up with heroin and Grace prefers Syrah' he smirked.

'That's what she said' she exclaimed 'never thought I would say that to you' she laughed.

'And I never thought that Mrs. Hudson would talk about my relationship or compliment me, for that matter. I guess we're both surprised' he mused.

'Don't be silly. Mrs. Hudson likes you' she lied in her sweetest voice, shining a toothy grin at the camera.

He smiled at her expression on the monitor. 'I don't think so, dear' he didn't really care.

'Well, she doesn't hate you. She just thinks you're an emotionally stunted, rude, obnoxious robot' she said, averting her gaze.

'There you go' he laughed.

Tara smiled fondly 'It's good to hear you laugh' she whispered.

Mycroft hummed in response 'What else did Mrs. Hudson observe?' he asked

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