Chapter 41- The Two and a half feet tall Troublemaker

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Mycroft composed himself and made his way to the kitchen. He needed to have a talk with Tara. When he entered the kitchen, he cringed at the mess he saw. Tara stood there cleaning the counter. She was covered in flour. This was definitely the doing of the 2 1/2ft tall troublemaker that Tara had let into their house.

Tara looked up at him and smiled nervously. She knew very well Mycroft didn't really like children. No 'not didn't like', the right word for it was despised. He despised children. On most occasions, he tolerated Rosie at best. And now Rosie was spending the weekend in their house.

'Hey' she said softly.

He gave her a curt nod and strode forward, standing in front of the counter.

'I found it' Rosie cheered as she stood up from under the counter with a baking tray in her hands.

Mycroft eyed the flour-covered girl and tried to hide the disgusted expression that appeared on his face.

'Hi, Mikey!' Rosie beamed at him, ran over to him, and hugged his leg.

Mycroft clenched his jaw and then took a moment to hide his irritation. 'Yes. Hello, Ms. Watson. And the name is Mycroft if you could possibly struggle till the end' he said awkwardly, trying to hide the irritation in his voice. He hated it when people didn't use his given name. He didn't even give Tara the liberty to give him a nickname. It was bad enough his mother insisted on calling him Myc. Rosie calling him 'Mikey' was just an abomination. She was still clinging to his leg, so he unwrapped her hands. 'Why don't you save some of that unrequited affection for Tara here?' he said and shot Tara a glare as he awkwardly picked up Rosie by her arms and handed her to Tara.

Rosie scrunched her face at his words and folded her hands over her chest.

Before Mycroft could say anything more hostile, Tara decided to intervene 'Rosie, why don't you go clean up while I get dinner ready? Mrs. Green will help you?' Tara said sweetly to Rosie.

The girl didn't argue and obediently went with Mrs. Green.

'Mycroft Holmes, what the hell is wrong with you? She is a child' Tara scolded as soon as Rosie was out of their hearing range.

'What the bloody hell is wrong with you? What is Dr. Watson's offspring doing here?' he retorted.

She sighed 'Harry relapsed. John had to go take care of her. Sherlock and Molly are busy with a case and Mrs. Hudson is away for the weekend. He didn't have a choice. I wasn't going to say no just because you don't like kids' she explained and rolled her eyes when she saw Mycroft dusting off the flour Rosie had gotten on his suit.

'I don't care. Keep it away from me' he said and started walking towards his study. 'Tell Mrs. Green, I'll take my dinner in the study' he said without even looking at her and practically ran into the study.

Tara sniggered as he fled, how could she not. Mycroft Holmes running away from a 4-year-old like she was some monster. Mycroft spent the rest of the evening in his study, and as he said, he had his dinner in his study. Tara gave Rosie her dinner and put her to bed.

At the end of the day, Tara was exhausted. It had been a very difficult week in the bakery she was just looking forward to relaxing this weekend. She was hoping taking care of Rosie wouldn't be as exhausting. So, after she put Rosie to bed, she went to bed too.

Mycroft had had a stressful week too and as if that wasn't enough, Tara had taken to babysitting the Watson brat. He had to hide in his own house because of her.

It had been a long time since he had to smoke alone. He had gotten used to sharing his cigarette with Tara but today she was asleep and he desperately needed to smoke. So, he was going to smoke alone today. He stood on his balcony and opened the cigarette case that Tara kept there. He brought a cigarette to his lips, cupping its end with one hand, he took the lighter outside the case and lit it. He slowly inhaled, his eyes drifted shut as a sense of calm washed over him.

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