Chapter 3- Brother Mine

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Mycroft was sitting in his office thinking about Tara. She is intriguing. She knew who I was. Perhaps she is not a goldfish and definitely not an ordinary woman. She is a good baker though. Her cheesecake was delicious. I might just pay her another visit. Mycroft mentally slapped himself for wanting to see her again. He decides to talk to Sherlock about her. Something was not right. She seemed different. She is not who she claims to be.

'Brother mine' Mycroft says from the door.

'Mycroft. What do you want?' Sherlock asks without looking up from his microscope.

'Can't I see my brother?' Mycroft asks with a sly smile.

'We're both not the sentimental type, Mycroft so let's not waste our breathe and get to the point.' Sherlock told his brother and continued to work on his experiment.

'Very well. Tara Matthews. What do you know about her?'

Sherlock looked up at the mention of that and Mycroft knew he had gotten into his brother's brain.

Sherlock coolly changed his focus back to the microscope and the experiment. He then spoke rather distantly 'Tara Matthews. British-Indian, 5'3, lean built, early thirties, long dark hair, onyx eyes, baker, babysitter, and my neighbor'

Sherlock seemed slow to him but he was no idiot. Mycroft gave him a knowing glare 'I wasn't asking what everyone else already knows about her, I was asking what you deduced from her brother mine' He knew his brother wasn't giving him all the information.

'That is what I deduced from her' Sherlock said innocently as he maintained his focus on his experiment.

'You know very well what I am asking. She is not what she claims to be' Mycroft's tone was that of warning.

'I don't see what the problem is Mycroft. She seems completely ordinary to me. To put it in your words. She is a goldfish.' Sherlock teased and reached for a test tube.

'You know she is lying. Then why are you defending' Mycroft was starting to lose his cool.

Sherlock sensed his brother's distress. He sighed and said 'She is not a threat, Mycroft. She is harmless'

Mycroft shot him a challenging look 'I will decide that...Goodbye brother mine' and left.

Since Sherlock wasn't of any help Mycroft decided to get his hands dirty.

Name: Tara Matthews

Age: 33

Nationality: British-Indian

Profession: Baker, Pastry Chef

Address: Baker Street 221C, London

Height: 5ft 3inches

Hair Colour: Dark Brown- Black

Eye Colour: Onyx


Bloody hell! I am practically the British government and her file is classified to me. Something is just not right. He decides to take Harry's help. After a lot of manipulation, he finally got to read Tara's file. Sherlock was right, she is not a threat. She was not a threat. Not to Sherlock. Not to Him. Not to the British Government. And she was definitely no goldfish.

Throughout the day he felt his mind wander away thinking about the mysterious baker. He knew her secret now. He knew she didn't mean any harm to anyone yet he couldn't stop thinking about her. Even though he knew everything about her she still intrigued him. This was new territory. Mycroft had never been intrigued so much by a woman before. 

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