Chapter 31- Spice Girls' Night

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'Why are we lying down in a park, and looking up at the sky?' John asked Tara. He was used to all kinds of weird habits and encounters after being friends with Sherlock for about 10 years but that did not cure his curiosity.

'I needed some girl talk' Tara shrugged.

'And you came to me, how flattering' John said sarcastically.

'Hey, Mrs. Hudson and Molly are of no help with relationship stuff, they are full of sunshine. It's like they live in a land of candy, and Grace... She is rooting for the other guy. It's like she is waiting for me to fail. So, I don't need this crap from you.' she told John

'Yeah, Grace can be a bully sometimes.' John knew how brutally honest Grace could be, in those aspects she was just like Sherlock. Both of them didn't think twice before saying anything, having no regard for the other person's feelings.

'She is really mean' Tara cried.

'What do you need to talk about?' John asked. Over the past years, Tara had become one of his closest friends. Sherlock was still his best friend but there were times he just needed an agony aunt, and in those times, Tara had been more than a sympathetic ear to him.

Tara took a deep breath before saying 'Mycroft asked me to move in with him'

'Wow, that's a big step' John mused. It was still weird for John to see a woman he considered his best friend have a relationship with one of the most unpleasant men he had the ill fortune of knowing.

'I know. I said yes and now I am kind of nervous about it.' Tara said, turning on her side to face John

'Why?' he asked and turned to face her.

'Grace thinks we're moving too fast' she said in disappointment.

'Who cares what Grace thinks. How do you feel about it?' he asked her.

'John,... he makes me so happy. It was like I was lost and he found me' she smiles fondly.

'You really do love him, don't you?' John huffed a laugh.

'Yes, I do' Tara blushed.

'Look, if you really love him, it'll all work out for the best. Mycroft asked you to move in with him. That's a big deal for him. I never thought I'd see the day when a woman would talk so affectionately about Mycroft Holmes... You two have been lonely for a long time, it's good that you found each other.' As much as it puzzled him to see these two polar opposites fall in love, it never stopped him from giving good advice and rooting for his best friend's happiness.

'You really think so?' Tara asked in surprise.

'I have known Mycroft Holmes for about 10 years now and I am not saying you've changed him but, you do make him a better person. And you... I didn't see your true smile until you met Mycroft. Sure, you smiled but there was always this sadness in your eyes... It's gone. You're actually happy. He makes you feel happy and complete. You make him loosen up a little. Well, as much as Mycroft can... You two are good for each other.'

'Wow, that was really sweet' Tara smiled.

'Yeah, that is the nicest thing I've ever said about that jackass.' John chuckled.

Tara laughed at the insult. 'So, you don't think we're going too fast' she asked.

'Take it from a man who had it and lost it. Relationships like this, they come once in a lifetime. If you're lucky you get a second chance. This is your chance. He is taking a leap of faith. After knowing Mycroft Holmes for 10 years, I can tell you that doesn't happen often. Jump with him.' He encouraged her.

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