Chapter 44- The Happily Ever After

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Three men forcefully bring a man to Tara, who was dressed as a bride. Carrying him on their shoulders. The man keeps yelling at them, asking them to put him down. They bring him to Tara, who is smiling excitedly at him and make him stand.

Instead of facing Tara he faces the three men and yells at them 'Are the three of you out of your bloody mind? Kidnapping me and forcing me to marry your sister'

'Are you forcing this man to marry your sister? Just because you are in the Indian Army, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.' The priest started panicking. They all start laughing at him and pulled him away to explain the situation.

An older man pulls the agitated groom, making the man face him 'I am her father. I am telling you to marry her, get her out of my hair and you won't. What's wrong with you?' He asked in an amused manner.

'Sir, you don't understand' he said rubbing his hands over his face.

'Try me, Tej' Tara intervened and started dabbing his sweaty face with tissue paper.

'Nayan, it's not that simple' he shook her hand off.

'Well then make it simple for me' she told him casually.

'Why do you want to marry me?'

'I've loved you for so long, you're my best friend and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. In a month we will graduate from the academy. We'll get our assignments. God knows where we will be posted if we will be posted together or not. I don't want to be away from you. I don't want to spend another moment not being your wife. Marry me, it will bring me some peace to know you are mine' she pleaded.

'Nayan, I'm not good enough for you' he said looking away.

'You don't get to decide that' she scolded him, holding his chin up so he looked straight at her.

'Nayan, you grew up with all this family, luxury, and status. I have nothing. One day you are going to wake up and regret everything. I don't want to see you resent me' he was ashamed. Ashamed since the day they started seeing each other. She had asked him out and he had agreed, thinking it was just a joke. But before he knew, they had been seeing each other for almost three years. She was perfect in his eyes and deserved so much better than him.

'What makes you think I'll regret it? What makes you think I'll resent you?' she asked him angrily.

'You will. When I won't be able to give you any of those things?' he insisted.

'But I never asked you for any of those things. Do you take me for a fool, Tej? I knew you didn't have a family, or money, or status when I met you when I fell in love with you. I still fell in love with you because all of those things don't matter to me. I don't need money and status to be happy. As long as I am with you, I'll be happy' she told him.

'And don't you ever say you don't have a family. You have all of us' Tara's father, Shekhar interjected.

Tara had tears in her eyes. She was disappointed that Tej didn't want to marry her. Tej brought her close to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. 'I'm sorry' he muttered.

She refused to look at him and continued to shed silent tears. He got down on one knee, holding her hand.

'Nayantara Singh Rathore, Will you marry me?' he asked with a huge smile on his face.

She laughed and shook her head, slapping his shoulder, and then she looked at his pleading eyes and nodded 'Yes'

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She laughed and shook her head, slapping his shoulder, and then she looked at his pleading eyes and nodded 'Yes'

Tej got up and began to lead Tara to the beautifully decorated altar.

'Hey, Hey, Hey! What do you think you are doing?' Tara's father interjected.

'Didn't you just say I could marry your daughter?' Tej asked shocked.

'Yes. But you're not going to marry my only daughter wearing jeans and a flannel shirt, are you? Go get dressed' he scolded.

Kabir pulled Tej aside, leading him inside the house so, the man could change into something more wedding appropriate. 


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