Chapter 7- Surprise?

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It was Sherlock's birthday. Tara decided to close early so she could give Sherlock's cake some final touches. John decided that he would take Sherlock and Rosie to the park so Mrs. Hudson, Molly, and Greg could arrange the decoration, food, and beverages while they were away. Tara would bring the cake and they would wait for John's message.

Tara was still at the bakery. Suddenly, the bell rang and she walked over to let the customer know that they had closed for the day. She was surprised to see the older Holmes.

'Mycroft!?' she said in surprise. Her last encounter with the man had been very eventful. She had tried to forget the fact that she had shamelessly flirted with a man who could very well destroy her life and then kissed him on the cheek.

'Good Evening Tara' Mycroft greeted politely.

'Good Evening. What are you doing here? Are you ditching Sherlock's Party?' she asked, placing her hands on her hip.

'I wouldn't be here if I were planning on skipping this gathering. I am here to help you.' Mycroft told her.

'Oh!' She was a little taken back.

'You shouldn't have to walk 6 blocks carrying a cake' Mycroft told her.

'Thank you, Mycroft. That is very sweet of you, but I haven't finished decorating yet' Tara said with a disappointed smile.

'That's alright. I can wait.' Mycroft said and went to sit on the chair.

'Or you can help me finish' she stopped him.

Mycroft was hesitant but agreed. He followed her to the back of the bakery. He eyed the cake.

'I see you took my advice' Mycroft commented with a sly smile.

'Yes, I did. Making a cake that looks like a case would've been pretty hard and I'm not experienced in decorating cakes. So, I just made a pirate cake' Tara said as she continued to decorate the cake.

'It's a good choice. A crime scene isn't something one would want to see on top of a cake or eat.' Mycroft said and cluelessly stared at the equipment.

'I hope he likes it. Fingers crossed' Tara said.

'He will like it. If he doesn't, he is nothing but ungrateful' at this she laughed. Mycroft looked at her with a rare smile.

After they were done decorating. Mycroft helped her carry the cake to the car. Thomas looked at Mycroft and Tara in the backseat from the rear-view mirror and smirked. His stone-cold boss had fallen hard for the baker, perhaps Anthea was right. He wished she could see this scene.

Mycroft and Tara reached 221b Baker Street. Everybody had finished their share of the work. Everything was ready, all that was left was for the birthday boy to come.

Tara's phone beeped

We're 2 blocks away. Be ready


Aye Aye Captain


Tara clapped her hands to get everyone's attention 'Everyone, listen! They are two blocks away. It's time to hide' she told them.

'I am sorry?! HIDE?' Mycroft asked in bafflement.

'Yes Mycroft, HIDE. In case you didn't know that is what people do at surprise birthday parties. They hide and then yell 'surprise'' Tara explained with sass. Greg sniggered while Mrs. Hudson and Molly stared wide-eyed. They had never seen someone, other than Sherlock, give Mycroft this kind of attitude.

'It's Sherlock, he'll not be surprised either way. Then what's the point of this futile and ridiculous tradition.' Mycroft retorted with logic.

Tara's face contorted. She didn't know how to counter that with logic. 'Because it will make us happy to do it for Sherlock'

Mycroft scoffed and was about to reply but she cut him off 'Mycroft, that's enough. Go hide behind the couch or I won't give you any cake' by now Mrs. Hudson and Molly were sniggering too. This was a scene to cherish.

'Okay!' Mycroft huffed and shook his head. He really liked cake, especially the one that she made.

'Good. Now everybody, hide and Greg go switch off the lights.' She ordered.

'Yes ma'am' Greg complied.

Mycroft and Tara hid behind the couch Mrs. Hudson hid in the bedroom because she didn't want to crouch down and wait till Sherlock came, and Greg and Molly hid behind the kitchen counter.

Tara wanted to keep an eye on Mycroft to make sure he didn't blow it. She was very close to him, uncomfortably close. His heart was racing and so was hers. The feeling from their last encounter was returning. They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like a lifetime.

'SURPRISE' Greg, Mrs. Hudson, and Molly screamed as Sherlock walked in with John and Rosie, startling Mycroft and Tara out of their trance.

'Surprise' Tara and Mycroft said awkwardly as they stood from behind the couch.

'What's actually a surprise is that you all thought you could surprise me' Sherlock said flatly as he removed his coat.

'What did I say?' John said looking at Mrs. Hudson. She just shook her head.

'Now now, don't be ungrateful, Sherlock. These people went through a lot of trouble to throw you this surprise, though it isn't much of surprise but you can still be polite.' Mycroft told his brother, surprising everyone with his support. It was official Mycroft Holmes was starting to losing his mind.

'Mycroft. What are you doing here?' Sherlock addressed his brother.

'Dr. Watson invited me.' Mycroft said flatly.

Before the Holmes brothers could further hurt each other's non-existent feelings, Tara intervened.

'Sherlock, why don't you cut the cake?' Tara said excitedly.

'Yes yes, let's get this party started.' John joined her.

Everybody gathered around the cake. Sherlock stared at it for a while and finally commented 'that's an interesting cake, Tara' he said in a monotone.

'Well, I was talking to Mycroft and he told me that when you were kids you wanted to be a pirate... Do you not like it?' She asked nervously.

'Uncle Sherlock wanted to be a pirate?' a wide-eyed Rosie asked.

'Oh yes Ms. Watson, your Uncle Sherlock even had one of those fake grappling hooks and cutlass' Mycroft replied. He wasn't great with kids. But he enjoyed teasing Sherlock.

'I'm never going to live this one down, am I?' Sherlock asked in defeat.

'Nope.' John chuckled, popping the 'P' like Sherlock.

Everyone gathered and sang 'Happy Birthday'.

Mrs. Hudson and Molly had arranged for dinner.

'Mummy wants us to go home for Christmas' Mycroft said trying to make conversation and informing his brother in case he didn't know.

'Yes, Mummy called to inform'

'You actually picked her call' Mycroft was a little surprised by his brother.

'No, John picked it up and threw it at me' Sherlock gave a chuckling John an angry look.

'That reminds me. You and Rosamund are invited as well' Mycroft informed looking at John.

'Yes, Mrs. Holmes told me. She is very kind' John said politely.

Edited By- Akshita765

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