Chapter 33- These Boots are Made for Walking

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Tara opens the main door to 221 Baker Street and finds Mycroft sitting on the stairs, waiting for her. She glares at him and he holds her gaze for a few minutes.

'Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it' she tells him sternly.

'I didn't it mean it...' he tried to tell her.

'You didn't mean to tell me that if I did get pregnant, you'd expect me to get an abortion?' she asked him, sarcastically.

'That is if it's your choice. But if not, I would still provide for the child's life. But financial support is where it ends, nothing more. I do not wish to be a part of its life otherwise' he said truthfully, knowing very well that this conversation was going downhill very fast. But he also didn't want to give her any false hope.

'So, you would just walk away from me?' she asked as she held his gaze. She knew his answer.

He dropped his head at that 'You know very well I do not do well with children. My job, my lifestyle is not suitable for a child' he said with a hint of shame in his voice. Nobody would have noticed it except for Tara.

'I do' she said firmly.

'Do you want to have children?' he asked, the worry in his voice was evident.

'I don't know......I don't think so' she was unsure, how she felt about the subject.

'Then why are we arguing about this' Mycroft said as he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at her.

'It just bothers me that someday if I do get pregnant you would leave me' the hurt in her voice did not escape Mycroft's notice

'So, are we ending this relationship?' he asked emotionlessly, preparing for what he thought was inevitable. This was it. Their relationship had run its course.

'No, why would you say that?' her voice went up a whole octave as she said that.

'Because we have a difference in opinion' he stated in an obvious manner.

'Every couple has differences in their opinions. There are a lot of other things we disagree on. That doesn't mean we should break up' she explained, immediately realizing maybe that is what Mycroft wanted. 'Do you want to break up?' she asked.

'No, I do not wish to end our relationship. But the difference in opinion bothers me.' He was being honest. He didn't want her to wake up one day and realize it was a mistake all along. Resent him.

'We can work through that. I am not sure if I want kids but I am sure that I want you'

'Do you still want to move in with me?' he asked hopefully.

She hesitantly nodded 'Yes'. She reached for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, that was the most she could bring herself to do. They both would need some time to process this new information of their relationship.


Tara hadn't officially moved in yet however she was already wondering whether she should stop renting the apartment and just move all of her stuff into Mycroft's mansion. She couldn't remember the last time she properly slept in her own bed since Mycroft was back in town. It had been months ago. Either she spent the night at his place, which most often was the case, or he spent the night with her. Besides she loved waking up next to Mycroft. She would study his face while he was asleep. It was surprising how utterly peaceful he looked, there was no sign of stress on his face when he slept. She wished he would always be like that. She loved the way he would smile when she used morse code and tapped I love you on his chest when they cuddled. He loved the way he never had to tell he loved her, she knew. To date, he had never said the words, but she never brought it up and she never stopped saying it herself. She wanted to be with him, but after their last conversation, she couldn't help but feel reluctant. So, she delayed her move. She always had one or the other excuse as to why her move was delayed. Mycroft was beginning to think she would never move in and so, he gave up.

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