Chapter 16- Mac 'n' Cheese, Mummy, and The bottle of Haig

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Tara heard a knock on the door. It was Mycroft. She smiled and threw her arms around his neck, bringing him in for a kiss.

'I've missed you.' she said without pulling away

Mycroft gave her a hint of a smile. 'The feeling is mutual.' he said curtly.

'Come on in' she said and pulled him inside.

'Smells lovely in here' he told her.

'I made mac 'n' cheese, fried chicken, and garlic bread' she said pulling him in 'ooh, what is this?' she asked pointing at the object in his hand.

'It's a bottle of Haig. Didn't think you were much of a wine lady. Am I wrong?' he teased.

'Nope' she smiled popping the 'P'... 'I'll set the table. You get this bottle open. The glasses are in that cabinet' she directed him.

Tara set the table and Mycroft poured their drinks. Mycroft looked around her house while he helped her set the table. He hadn't really noticed her apartment the last time he was there. She seemed to prefer neutral colors, mostly white, and had a lot of plants. It made her apartment look very bright and alive, unlike Sherlock and John's apartment. She added simple yet elegant accents to her apartment, nothing too fancy or extravagant. Her apartment was simple and felt like home.

'You have a lovely apartment' he said while pulling her chair for her.

'Thank you. You've been here before.' she simply stated.

'I have but I wasn't really paying attention to the apartment. I was far more interested in you.' he tried to flirt.

She blushed and shook her head at his bluntness. They both served themselves and began to eat.

'I thought you said you weren't good at cooking' Mycroft teased 'This is delicious'

'If only you could try my father's food. He is the king of good food' she laughed but Mycroft could see the sadness in her eyes.

Before he could say anything, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, ignoring it he flipped it over.

'You can answer it. I don't mind' Tara told him.

'No' he gave her a forced smile.

It rang again.

'Who is it?' she urged.

'My mother' he muttered

'Then why aren't you answering?'

'I don't want to'

'Mycroft, don't be a child. What if it is something important? Answer it.' She scolded.

Why were the women in his life so bossy? He thought before surrendering and answering the phone.

'Good Evening, Mummy' Tara sniggered at the grimace on his face.

'Mycroft Holmes, when were you going to tell me you had a girlfriend?' Mrs. Holmes was so loud, Tara could hear it and she turned red.

'Sherlock' Mycroft sneered 'Sherlock told you, didn't he?'

'Yes, he told me. You clearly weren't planning on telling me, so somebody had to.' she scolded.

'Given some more time, I would have let you know myself' he explained.

'You are not fooling anyone, Mycroft' Violet said plainly.

'What do you want me to do Mummy?' Mycroft asked.

'I hear she is Sherlock's nice new neighbor.' Violet asked in excitement.

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