Chapter 46 - Ayesha Leela Sareen

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After about 5 minutes when Tej didn't return, Tara began to panic. She grabbed a sword off the wall, even though she was in no position for combat. She looked down from the stairs, horrified by what she saw. Tej was lying on the floor beaten to a bloody pulp. She covered her mouth with her hand and let out muffled sobs. Before she could make sense of what was happening, she heard three shots being fired. She tumbled down the stairs, screaming in pain. She had been shot in the back. She was laying opposite Tej, looking into his eyes, feeling so weak and helpless. She clutched her stomach and screamed in pain. Men in black combat suits gathered around them from around the house.

'Tej' 'Tej... TEJ' she cried as she tried to reach for him but he was too far from her and she was hurt.

'He won't survive. Let's finish her off and leave before we get made' one of them said hurriedly.

'Please.... Please, don't. No matter what happens, I won't create any issues. Please leave us alone. Please don't kill us.' she begged. Tara would've never begged an assassin to have mercy on her and neither would Tej, they would rather face death with pride. But this time it was different. She wasn't alone. She couldn't let her daughter die. Tara was already in a great deal of pain, she had to do everything in her strength. For her child's sake, she swallowed her pride.

Tej tried to reach for her outstretched arm as if wanting to hold her one last time. She looked into his eyes without batting. Both their eyes held only one question. Is this the end? Is everything over? Tej held her gaze as he felt his life slipping away.

'Please, please' she begged in a groggy voice, that was all she could get out.

One of the men brought out a hammer and landed vicious blows on Tej's head. 'Please don't' she cried before being knocked out.


'Tara' she heard her father's voice. 'Tara, sweetheart can you hear me?'

She blinked hard trying to clear her vision. It was still blurry, she tried to speak but couldn't.

'Ms. Rathore please don't try to speak or get up' the doctor spoke 'Your neck was injured during the fall. It's going to be a little hard to speak for a while'

Tara was least bothered about herself 'Tej?' she asked with great difficulty.

'When we got there, he was already dead. He lost a lot of blood' her father explained without looking at her, not being able to meet her eyes.

She gasped and silent tears fell out of her eyes. She brought her hands to her stomach and felt something was missing 'baby?' she asked when the realization dawned on her.

'You had three gunshot wounds. You had severe internal injuries from the fall, you were bleeding internally. We operated and removed the bullets, and stopped the internal bleeding. During the surgery, the baby was in distress. She had sustained injuries from the fall as well. We had to deliver her'

She cried at the thought of her little girl being hurt.

The doctor swallowed and continued 'She is in the NICU right now. It doesn't look good. She is too young. Her organs aren't developed enough and her injuries are too severe for her body to bear' his voice laced with pity for Tara.

Tara looked at her father. She was begging him to take her to her daughter but couldn't get the words out. He understood her cries. In spite of the doctor's warnings and instruction he picked her up from the bed and carried her to the nearest wheelchair. He wheeled her down a long hallway and into the NICU where his granddaughter was.

Tara saw a tiny red baby in an incubator, covered in tubes that helped her breathe. Shekhar wheels her past the hospital staff and to the incubator. Her gaze was distraught, she leaned closer to the incubator's clear plastic canopy, placing her arm against the canopy, her features crumble as she regards the tiny infant, wearing a nasal tube, her eyes closed and her chest rises and falls slowly and raspily. She smiles through her tears. 'My baby' she whispered and cried profusely. There was no hope for her daughter. 

The doctor took pity on her and took the baby out of the incubator, bundling her up in a soft pink blanket he brought the child to her mother.

'Are you ready?' he asked as he brought the baby to her.

'yeah' she whispered as she stretched her arms forward for her daughter. Her whole body ached, but nothing mattered at that moment. The only thing that mattered at that moment was her baby.

'She is beautiful' she whispered and smiled at her daughter, trying not to cry on her baby. 'She is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen' she caressed the baby's red translucent cheek with the back of her finger.

Shekhar looked away with tears in his eyes.

'This is my daughter. I am a mother' she told her Shekhar.

'Yes. Yes, you are' he whispered to her, trying his best to not cry in front of her.

The machines connected to the baby started beeping faster.

'What's happening? What's wrong?' she asked worriedly.

'She is in distress.' The doctor told her, knowing very well there was nothing else he could do for the little girl. He had given it his all.

'No. Not yet. I'm not ready.' She cried to the doctor.

Shekhar bent down and held her hand 'I know, honey. I know. You hold your girl for as long as she has. Look at her and memorize every little detail of her face. Okay?......' He told her and she nodded through her tears. He signaled to the doctor, to switch off the machines so that his daughter didn't have to hear the constant beeping and the life leaving her daughter's body. The doctor understood and switched it off. 'Do you have a name for her?' he asked her gently.

'Ayesha..... Ayesha Leela Sareen' she wanted to name her daughter after her mother and her grandmother. She had hoped that her little girl would grow up to be just as strong and beautiful as they were. But she knew her little girl would never grow up. Nevertheless, her daughter was strong and beautiful and right now she was in a great deal of pain. The right thing to do was to let her go. 'Ayesha, your father is waiting for you. His name is Tej, and he is waiting for you. So, you won't be alone there. He'll take care of you' she whispered to her daughter and kissed her forehead.


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