Chapter 17- Cold, distant, rude, and obnoxious lover

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'Grace, we'll be closed this weekend' Tara said as she closed up.

'Closed?! Why? We make our best business during the weekend.' The young girl asked her boss out of surprise.

'I have plans.' Tara simply stated, hoping to avoid another awkward conversation.

'Plans with Mycroft?' Grace smirked.

'Shut up' she blushed.

'You too are really serious, aren't you?' Grace asked her boss.

'Yes. Why?'

'I thought it was just a fling. I don't understand what you see in him. He is........' she couldn't find the words, also she had a feeling she had crossed her line.

'What? Go on. Cold, distant, rude, and obnoxious. Is that what you were trying to say?' Tara asked her, she was a little offended by Grace's question.

'I'm sorry Tara. I didn't mean to be offensive.' Grace said, truly sorry for what she had implied.

'It's alright' Tara had always thought of Grace as a little sister 'He is all of those things on the outside but when he is alone with me, he is different. He understands me, and that hasn't happened in a long time. I am happy with him and that is all you need to know.' she told her sternly.

'Well! I am happy for you. And you have to let me make this up to you. I assume you two are spending the weekend together?' Grace asked.

'Yes and no. You don't have to do anything' Tara told her as she pulled down the bakery shutter.

'Yes, I do' Grace said as she grabbed her boss by the hand and hailed a cab.


Tara was back home and it was already very late. Grace had pulled her into a lingerie store to make it up to her and that had taken up a lot of her time. She had to pack and get to Mycroft.

She pulled out a duffle bag from her closet, filling it up with all her essentials, clothes, and the lingerie that Grace had just forced her to buy. She was packed and ready when she got a text.

Thomas is waiting downstairs with the car -MH

She smiled at his impeccable timing. She did a quick check to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything and then checked around the house to make sure everything was switched off. She closed up and made her way downstairs. She went to Mrs. Hudson's house to drop off her key.

'Mrs. Hudson' she called as she knocked.

'Tara dear, what brings you here this late?' Mrs. Hudson asked as she opened the door for Tara.

'Nothing to worry about, Mrs. Hudson. I am going away for the weekend. I just wanted to drop off the key and I have a favor to ask.'

'Is this a romantic get-away with Mycroft?' Mrs. Hudson teased causing Tara to blush.

She gave the older woman an awkward nod.

'What can I do for you, dear?' Mrs. Hudson asked with a smile.

'Can you please water my plants while I'm gone?'

'Yes, of course, dear'

'Thank you, Mrs. Hudson' Tara hugged her and handed her the keys.

'Enjoy your weekend'

'You too, Mrs. Hudson'

She walked outside to find Thomas waiting for her. The older man opened the door for her and greeted her with a smile.

'Good Evening, Thomas' Tara said with a smile.

'Good Evening, Ma'am'

'You don't have to call me ma'am just Tara is fine' she said as she entered the car.

'Yes, ma'am' he smiled and closed the door after her.

Anthea wasn't there this time it was just Tara and Thomas. Tara made polite conversation with the old chauffeur and he indulged. The car ride was quick and before she realized it, they were in front of Mycroft's mansion. She got out of the car.

'Thank you, Thomas'

'You're Welcome, Ma'am' he was very professional, he wasn't going to call her by her name.

Tara sighed 'Good Night, Thomas'

'Good Night, Ma'am'

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