Chapter 20- The 1968 Cherry Blossom, Ulysses, and Vintage film noirs

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Tara rolled on the king-size bed, throwing her arm out to find her partner. Instead, her arm fell flat on the bed. She opened her eyes to find his side empty. She got up and stretched.

When she got out of the bed, she noticed a note sitting on the night table by the bed.

'I am sorry. Emergency at work. Had to go. Will be back soon- MH' it read.

Tara sighed and donned her robe. She couldn't blame the man, he had tried. It wasn't his fault, he got called into work.

She went down to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. She froze when she saw a woman cooking in the kitchen.

The woman noticed her. She smiled at Tara 'Good Morning, Ms. Matthews. It's very nice to finally meet you. I am Mrs. Green, Mr. Holmes' housekeeper. I am here to help you with anything you might need while you're here, and there is a car waiting for you outside, that'll take you anywhere you would like to go' she finished.

Tara blinked uncomfortably, then strode forward and shook Mrs. Green's hand. 'Good Morning, Mrs. Green. It's a pleasure to meet you, and thank you.'

Mrs. Green gave her a warm smile 'Mr. Holmes said you like waffles and raspberries so, I made you that for breakfast and some pomegranate juice.' She said and served Tara her breakfast.

'Thank you, Mrs. Green. This is very sweet of you' Tara said and dug into her breakfast.

After finishing her breakfast, Tara decides to explore Mycroft's house. She looked at all the paintings hanging on the wall. Then she found his umbrellas. For a while, she entertained herself by practicing sword fighting and then raided Mycroft's library.

By the afternoon, Tara was running out of things to do. She had explored the entire house, admired all the paintings, practiced sword fighting, and raided the library. She was also starting to get tired of the disappointed looks Mrs. Green gave her every time she went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

Mrs. Green was just as bored as Tara. Every time Tara walked into the kitchen Mrs. Green hoped she would ask her to cook something or do something for her, only to be disappointed when she walked out with a bottle of water.

'Mrs. Green, would you like to help me bake biscuits?' Tara asked after lunch.

'Yes, Ms. Matthews. I would like that' Mrs. Green beamed.

The two women chatted as they baked. Mrs. Green told Tara that she had been working for Mycroft for about 15 years, and in those years, she had never seen Mycroft allowing a woman to stay over or even share a meal with him. Not even Lady Smallwood was given that privilege.

After they were done baking Tara decided she could call Thomas inside and the three of them could have a tea party of sorts.

When she stepped out of the house, she saw the older man sitting in the car and reading a newspaper. When Thomas saw her, he folded the newspaper, putting it away, he stepped out of the car.

'Is there anything you need me for, ma'am?' Thomas asked as he walked to Tara.

'No. I just was wondering if you wanted a cup of coffee. I just brewed a fresh pot' Tara smiled.

'Oh, I'm good, ma'am. But thank you.' He politely declined the offer.

'Are you sure? Mrs. Green and I just baked a fresh batch of biscuits' Tara tried again.

Thomas looked at his watch 'My shift will be done in a couple of hours. I'll be fine.' He told her.

Stubborn as she was, she wouldn't give up 'No, come on. Stretch your legs. I won't take no for an answer.' she didn't wait for him to reply. She turned around and started walking towards the house.

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