Chapter 14- Not a Mistake

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Mycroft and Tara lay in his bed, trying to catch their breaths. Tara cuddled up against him, laying soft kisses on his shoulder. For the first time in three years she felt true happiness, she wasn't lonely anymore, and neither was he. Mycroft couldn't remember a time in his life when he was happier than at that moment. They felt complete in each other's presence.

'You know we never got to the actual dessert' she said tracing her finger on his chest.

'It should've been set by now. I'll go get it.' he got out of bed.

When he returned, she wasn't there in his bed. Concerned he started looking for her. He found her huddled up on a couch in front of the fireplace. He smiled at how cute she looked all wrapped up in a blanket. She noticed him standing at the entrance, staring at her.

'I was cold' she said with an innocent smiled.

He just smiled and shook his head. He gave her the plate of cheesecake and went to get them some whiskey. He came with two glasses in his hand. Handing her a glass, he sat down next to her. Gathering her in his arms, he noticed she was wearing his shirt. He raised an eyebrow at her.

'What?! I wasn't going to come down here naked.' She told him.

'It suits you better anyway' he chuckled. His shirt was huge for her. 'Tell me more about your childhood' he asked taking a bite of the cheesecake.

'There isn't much to say. It was pretty normal except most of my friends were guys who hung out with my brothers, well that was until puberty hit. They started hitting on me so, my brothers would beat the crap out of them' she laughed.

'Seems fair' he mused.

'Oh! My brothers are very protective of me. Actually, for that matter, everybody in my family has been very protective of me. My parents, my uncles, Zorawar, my grandfather, my brothers... My family always had my back. That's the thing about being a child you could always run to your family and you knew they would protect you.' Her face darkened as she spoke about the fond memories of her childhood, her eyes glistened with tears.

'Well, now you have me to run to' Mycroft said and kissed her forehead. She didn't know what to say. She just snuggled closer into his chest. 'You know for someone who has never been to pastry school, you are awfully good at making desserts. This cheesecake is delicious.' He said trying to change the topic, getting her to relax.

'My father loved to cook. As a child, I would always help him. It was our thing. Never got as good as him at cooking but I had quite the knack for desserts.' She smiled at the memories.

'Well! Opening a bakery was a good choice. Cause you are very good. One Day you'll be rich' he told her as he took another bite.

She sighed and said 'I don't have any big plans for the bakery. Just want to make enough money to get by.'

He understood her hesitation. This wasn't a life she would've imagined for herself. He didn't push the topic any further. They finished their dessert and their drinks. Silently staring at the fire eventually, they both fell asleep on the couch. 

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