Chapter 23- Sanity and Childhood Bedrooms Part 2

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Dinner was lovely. The adults loved the yule log Tara had made for them. She finally let out the secret that she had added just a little bit of rum to it.

'I'm beginning to wonder if you're girlfriend has an alcohol problem' Sherlock muttered to his brother, trying to get on his nerves.

'Shut up, Sherlock' was all the reply he got.

'I'll go build the fire' Siger announced after everyone was done eating.

'I'll help you' Tara offered.

'Now, if father starts making little humming noises, just give him a little poke, that usually does it' Violet told Tara.

Tara laughed and turned to leave with Siger when the books on the shelf caught her eye. 'Did you write these?' she asked taking one of the books out and browsing through it.

'Oh, that silly old thing. You mustn't read that. Mathematics does seem terribly fatuous now.' Violet told her.

'I don't know. I always liked math' Tara said absentmindedly, browsing through the book and thinking about her school days. She didn't really think about the implications this conversation would have.

'Well, then why didn't you pursue it, dear?' Violet asked her

Tara was stunned. Oh, she dug this hole for herself. She couldn't possibly tell Violet that she didn't take math because she was far more interested in computer science. A baker who was a computer genius just didn't fit. She did not think this through.

'Funding' came a voice from behind. Tara turned around to see Mycroft, coming to her rescue when it started to look like her eyes would fall out. 'The orphanage didn't have enough funding and she didn't make the cut for the mathematics scholarship' Mycroft lied to his mother, rubbing Tara's arms, trying to relax her. She sighed in relief and fell back against Mycroft's chest.

'Well, I am so sorry about that, dear. But if you're still interested in math perhaps you could go back to school' Violet told her sympathetically.

Tara huffed a small laugh 'Aren't I a little too old for that?' she asked. She was actually beginning to consider it.

'One is never too old to learn.' She told Tara and turned to her husband 'Now, no humming, you!' she slapped his arse as she left the living room.

'Complete flake, my wife, but happens to be a genius.' Siger told Tara and started to build the fire. The rest of the party was in the kitchen, helping Violet clean up and do the dishes.

'She was a mathematician?' Tara asked, still finding it hard to believe. Not that she couldn't believe Mycroft and Sherlock's mother was a mathematician. But the woman she met was a mathematician, that was hard to believe.

'Gave it all up for the children. I could never bear to argue with her. I am something of a moron myself. But she's... unbelievably hot' Siger chuckled and told her.

'Oh My God! You're the sane one, aren't you?' Tara chuckled.

'Aren't you?' Siger retorted.

'Between Mycroft and me? I wouldn't be too sure about that.' She laughed and told him.

'Well, one can hardly be the sane one in all aspects of their relationship. But, you... You're good for him' Siger told her sincerely.

Tara gave him a small smile 'You really think so?' she asked doubtfully.

'I know so' he said. Tara didn't say anything, she blushed and looked at the fire. 'We need our partners as much as they need us' Siger continued.

Tara looked up and smiled. 'You really underestimate yourself, Mr. Holmes' she told him.

'I really do, don't I?' He said and they both laughed.


Hark the herald played on the stereo as the Holmes family and their friends sat in front of the living room fireplace and enjoyed pleasant conversation. Violet showed Tara pictures of Mycroft's childhood and told her stories of the same.

'If only I got a nickel for every time the school principal called me saying my children were being smart mouths and I had to come, take them home' Violet complained.

Tara laughed and asked 'Which one?'

'All of them' Siger laughed.

'Oh, who is this?' Tara asked pointing at the picture of a little girl standing between Mycroft and Sherlock.

'That's our little girl, Eurus' Violet smiled.

'Your daughter?!' Tara asked in shock and then turned to Mycroft 'You have a sister?'

'Thank you, Mother' Mycroft told his mother, throwing her a sarcastic smile.

'Someone's in trouble' Sherlock grinned 'Just like old times' he sang

'Shut up, Sherlock' Mycroft muttered to his brother and turned to Tara 'Not now. We'll talk about it later.'

That was not the apology she expected, especially not after she had been so honest with him but Tara didn't want to push him, so she chose not to pursue the topic any further.

But Mrs. Holmes had other plans. 'We're going to see her before the New Year. Why don't you come with us?...' Violet asked. Siger looked at his wife in horror, knowing very well that what she was trying to do would not sit well with Mycroft.

'Mummy' Mycroft tried to cut her off.

'It would be good for her to see a new face' Violet told Tara. Her face had so much hope in it, Tara would have done anything the woman asked for.

'NO. SHE IS NOT GOING WITHIN 100KM OF THAT LUNATIC' He stood up and yelled at his mother.

'MYCROFT! THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK ABOUT YOUR SISTER' Violet reprimanded. Even after all these years, Eurus was still a sensitive subject in the Holmes family, one Violet and Mycroft did not see eye to eye on.

Mycroft took a deep breath and said 'She is never going to Sherrinford'

'Mycroft, I was just...' Violet tried to explain but was cut off.

'No. This is not up for discussion' Mycroft had the last word and stormed out of the room.

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