Chapter 35- Sibling Rivalry and the Blogger

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John entered the apartment with groceries in one hand, holding Rosie's hand in the other. He found Sherlock sitting in his chair, the violin in his hand. Mycroft sitting on John's chair, twisting the umbrella handle with his fingers.

'John' Sherlock acknowledged John and plucked the pizzicato note.

Mycroft turned his head to the doctor, giving him a curt nod. The doctor replied with a curt nod himself. John let go of Rosie's hand and went into the kitchen to put away the groceries, as his little girl waved to the Holmes brothers and ran to Mrs. Hudson's.

'I can't' Sherlock said, plucking the pizzicato note again.

'Can't?' Mycroft asked raising his eyebrows. He really wasn't in the mood to play games with Sherlock, not that day.

'Stuff I've got on is just too big. I can't spare the time' Not really Sherlock just wanted to make his brother beg for it.... Or at least he wanted to mess around with Mycroft a little.

'Never mind your usual trivia. This is of national importance.' He would have done it himself if he didn't feel like he was too close to the matter.

Sherlock plucked the pizzicato note again and looked up at Mycroft. 'How's the diet?' he asked with a sly smile, noticing his brother had lost a little bit of weight, his waistcoat was slightly big for him.

'Fine' Mycroft replied. 'Perhaps you can get through to him, John' he asked the doctor.

'What?' John asked cluelessly.

'I'm afraid my brother can be very intransigent' Mycroft smirked.

'If you're so keen, why don't you investigate it?' Sherlock suggested.

'No, no, no, no. I can't possibly be away from the office for any length of time. Not with the Korean elections so...' he said, focussing on his umbrella and then looked up at his brother. 'Well, you don't need to know about that, do you? Besides a case like this, it requires...' he grimaced, shifting in John's chair and finished 'Legwork'. He was also worried about Tara. The recent nightmares, and the fact that she worried every time he left town. He didn't exactly feel comfortable leaving her alone.

Sherlock plucked a false note. 'How's Sarah, John? How's the lilo?' he diverted the topic.

'Sofa, Sherlock. It was the sofa.' Mycroft corrected him, as he took a peek at his pocket watch.

'Oh, yes, of course'

John frowned and shook his head at the brothers 'How.. Oh, never mind' John said as he sat down. One would think after all these years, the doctor would've gotten used to it but no.

'You two seem to be laying low since you two started... taking care of your daughter. What's it like to raise a child with him around? Hellish, I imagine.' Mycroft mused with a sly smile.

'I'm never bored' John drawled. It was true, he was never bored. Between Rosie and Sherlock, it was like he had two kids.

'Good, that's good, isn't it?' Mycroft faked a smile and got up. He walked to Sherlock, with two case files in his hand. When his brother didn't take it, he bit the inside of his cheek and walked to the table, placing the files on it. Hoping his brother will have the good sense to leave Dr, Watson out of his personal case, and only use his assistance in the other one.

'You have to take this case, Sherlock. Don't make me order you.' Mycroft warned.

'I'd like to see you try.' Sherlock challenged and placed the violin on his neck.

Mycroft smirked 'Think it over' he advised. He turned and gave the doctor a handshake. 'Goodbye, John'

John got up and gave his hand a firm shake 'Goodbye, Mycroft'

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