Chapter 43- Is everyone I've ever met a psychopath?

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John stormed into 221b Baker Street. Mrs. Hudson saw him coming and the way he looked, she thought it was best to follow him. He entered the apartment to find Tara feeding Rosie her dinner.

'Mrs. Hudson, please take Rosie with you' he said without looking away from Tara. The rage and anger in his eyes were evident to Tara and Mrs. Hudson.

Mrs. Hudson did as she was told, not wanting the little girl to see her father's anger and rage.

'John, what's wrong?' Tara asked in confusion.

He walked up to her, holding her up by her arm, rather harshly 'No, you tell me what's wrong. And don't you dare lie to me' he growled at her.

'John. John, you are hurting me' she tried to get out of his strong grip.

'Am I? Am I? And what about what you did?' he asked harshly, shaking her.

The look on John's face, his words, his behavior, everything gave it away. He knew. She didn't know how he knew, but she knew he knew. 'John. I can explain.' She cried softly.

'Oh! Trust me, you cannot.......' He glared at her. 'I trusted you. I trusted you with my daughter and you lied' he yelled at her.

'John, I would never let anything happen to her' she tried to explain.

'Get out! Get out of here' he said as he began to drag her out of the apartment.

'John' she cried and almost fell down the stairs as John forcefully pulled her down the stairs.

He dragged her out of the building 'If I see you within a 100 meters radius of my daughter, you will see the worst of me' he barked at her before leaving her alone in the street and locking the door behind him.

When Mycroft and Sherlock arrived soon after, they found Tara standing at the gate, tears running down her cheeks. She stood there in the cold with no coat on. Mycroft ran to her, removing his coat, he laid it on her. He brought her close to him, holding her as she cried into his chest.

'I didn't mean to' was all she said, repeating it over and over again.


'I can't believe you didn't tell me about her' John said as Sherlock walked in.

'There was nothing to say' Sherlock stated plainly.

'You deduced her and you didn't think to tell me' John yelled at him.

'Watson, you have to listen to her. Let her explain herself' Sherlock told John as he removed his coat and gloves.

'Are you seriously supporting her right now? She lied' John asked him while pacing the room.

'She had a good reason. Just like Mary' Sherlock said, knowing very well he was striking a raw nerve there.

John glared at Sherlock. 'Do you know something that I don't?' pissed off that Sherlock brought up Mary.

'Mycroft knows everything and he is still with her. He is not a fool, John. He sees something we don't. He wouldn't have taken such a big risk if he didn't trust her. Just give her a chance' Sherlock asked John. Mycroft had made his share of bad decisions; Telling Moriarty everything about Sherlock, letting him talk to Eurus, etc., etc. But Sherlock was sure Mycroft was right about letting Tara into their lives.

'Is everyone I have ever met a psychopath?'

'Yes. Good that we've settled that. Now we have a kidnapper to catch'

'SHUT UP And stay shut up, because this is not funny. Not this time'

'I didn't say it was funny. John, you are addicted to a certain lifestyle. You are abnormally attracted to dangerous situations and people. I have said this to you before and I'll say it again. You were in a war. You did this with me, you did it with Mary and you are repeating it with Tara'

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