Chapter 42- Here be Dragons

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In the morning, it's still dark, Mycroft and Tara run side by side along a dimly lit pathway. Tara stops Mycroft so she can catch a breath. After a few seconds of rest, they nod at each other and continue their run. As they reach the house, Mycroft sees Anthea from a distance. She was waiting outside the house with their security detail.

'Anthea' Mycroft greeted her breathily.

'Tried calling you' Anthea ignores the pleasantries and gets straight to the point.

'I left my phone in the...'

'We need to talk' Anthea cut him off. Her tense body language and expression made Mycroft think it was Sherlock again.

He walked towards Anthea. Tara stayed behind, not wanting to intrude in case it was work-related. 'What's going on?' he asked Anthea as he pulled her aside, outside earshot of the others.

'It's Evonne' she whispered to him

'Smallwood?' he furrowed his brows.

Anthea is interrupted by her phone ringing. She sighs and she hands it to Mycroft.

'Mycroft' Mycroft heard Lady Smallwood's voice.

'Lady Smallwood, how may I help you?' He asked.

'It's my daughter, Evonne. She is missing...... They found her car abandoned on a flyover. Mycroft, I need your help. I am on my way to the scene right now' she told him and tried to sound as normal as possible. She didn't want to look weak. It didn't matter to her that her relationship with Mycroft didn't end at the best of terms. This was a temporary truce.

Mycroft sighed. 'I'll meet you there. Do you want Sherlock and Dr. Watson on the case?' He asked.

'Yes... Yes' her voice broke.

'Elizabeth, we'll find her' he assured her. Sensing that she was very distressed by the situation, even more, distressed now than the Magnussen fiasco. He could understand why she would be so upset. It was her daughter who was in danger.

'I know' she sighed.

Mycroft hung up and sighed.

'Mycroft' Tara called from inside the house. She didn't have to use more words. She was asking if he was going to come inside anytime soon.

Mycroft turned and looked at Tara, who was standing at the door. He sighed and motioned for her to go inside and not wait for him, he would be there in some time. This was going to be one long day.

He called Sherlock and Dr. Watson, and let them know about the situation. Sherlock would've refused but he owed Lady Smallwood, she was instrumental in approving his exile. John told Tara that they were going out on a case so, she agreed to babysit Rosie till they were back.


Sherlock, John, and Mycroft were already at the scene when Lady Smallwood got there. A team of agents gathered around the car, looking for evidence. She ran to the car, Mycroft stopped her.

'She is not in the car, Lady Smallwood' He stopped her a few feet away from the car, so she didn't get in the way of the officers, letting them do their job.

'I know' she breathed. She knew but she couldn't help herself. Mycroft nodded in understanding.

They watch as Sherlock, John and a few agents try to find any leads around the car. Her phone rang

'Put it on loud speaker' Mycroft said to her before turning to one of the agents and ordering 'Trace the call'

'Hello' she answered the call

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