Chapter 22

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Wait what? I don't even know why he started like this and this just seems like as if he likes me or something. But the thing is it's not, he just likes to play with my feelings.

I mean, don't you think, I would know whether he knows that I like him or not. Like come on, multiple encounters with Noah and rest of the group. I have had a strong feeling they know, the worse part is this thing can be all made up in my mind.

Either way, all I can do now is smile and look excited but not so excited and control my emotions to put it in a straight line rather than a raising graph.

"So, what can I say?" He looks at me playfully.

I don't even know where I should hold my gaze too, like if I continue looking at Sebastian for sure, my eyes and expression would give away my feelings.

I mean, my face sometimes goes to this expressive state, where even a person who doesn't know how to read the room or emotions of another person, will be able to point out what I am feeling.

So, I just look around and smile, I may or may not look like a maniac. I just can't ok! This situation is just to awkward and difficult to manage to a person like me, who hides their emotions when required.

For some unknown reason, everyone's eyes are on Sebastian. I mean, of course he is talking, so it's common tendency to look at the person who is talking. But, when other people were talking out gazes were all over the place.

All of a sudden, I felt the atmosphere becoming very thick, I mean it's a very funny phrase to be honest.

But this place, it's truly very comical but no one is laughing or even smiling. They all are tensed or atleast that's what I can read from their actions.

"Ok, let me start from first, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He pauses and shows his pearly whites. Against the night sky his pearly whites shine in contrast.

I think I am hearing things, I just blink several times and look at him confused.

"I feel, not many people tell her, but I will be glad to remind her always if I could. The small, small details of her is a killer, from her long and wavy hair to her toothed grin. The way she sometimes zone out but remembers and observes minor details."

I can't even look at him anymore. I just look down and remain quiet. But my mind is raging with emotions, I don't even care anymore it's showing on my face or something.

Noah smiles and says, "God! Is Maya, blushing?"

I look up defensively and was about retort, but I get cut of by a statement that shook me to the core.

"Yes! And I am glad it's because of me. Cause I am willing to do it for the rest of my life."

I just turn to him and wanted to say something back. But my mouth was closing and opening like a fish.

There was literally pin drop silence around us.

Thank universe, Zoey started talking and quickly the atmosphere turned back to the normal fun and jokes.

But when I caught Sebastian staring at me in my peripheral vision. My heart did skip a beat for a second.

Now, we all are laying flat on the grass, thank god, Liam had some bedsheets back of his car.

Chole and Noah were getting pretty cozy and were pointing up into the sky and are talking animatedly.

Jess, Zoey and Leah are still eating the sandwiches and are discussing about the new episode of Riverdale.

Liam and Daniel are talking about some sport, maybe it's basketball.

Zach and Sebastian are talking so quietly but intensely. When I was looking at them, my eyes lock with Zach and he smirks and nudges Sebastian.

I immediately look away and look back in my phone, scrolling mindlessly. This became a normal getaway method for me. When things get too awkward or I just feel like not socializing, I take my phone and just press random apps.

When I was about to open Snapchat, I feel a person sitting next to me. I just don't mind him and open the snap sent by Liam, it was zooming at Noah and Chloe in a very compromised position.

I look up to see them still in a cuddled position, I have a strong feeling something is going on between them.

"It's rude to stare, you know?" Sebastian almost whispers. The worse part is that his face is literally inches from my face. I can feel his hot breath against the cold night.

Not moving too suddenly, which would just show that the proximity is affecting me. I simply reply, "It's more rude to invade one's personal space as well!"

He laughs and raises his hands up in defense. I smile and turn to look at him properly.

He had his arms stretched back with palms flat on grass and legs sprawled out in front. His head is looking up the starry sky.

"Take a picture, it lasts forever."
He looks down at me and winks with a smirk.

I maintain my gaze and reply, "I have a good memory, I guess mental picture of you is a better option."

I guess it is not the reply he intended I would say, cause now his gaze is fixed upon me.

I squirm a little under his stare, a loud sound resonates and we turn to see Daniel and Liam, hitting the bottles to gather our attention.

Feeling a little down that our alone time had to be reduced caused of those clowns. I divert my attention to what they were saying.

"Truth or dare?" Liam screams

Everyone agrees with screaming yes! That's when I feel someone whisper in a husky tone, that caused the butterflies in my stomach in commotion.

"Truth or dare babe?"

Hello guys!

How are you? Hope all are doing good, this pandemic is testing us real good. So if anyone feels down or need help, please reach out to your dear and near ones.

I am always here, if anyone wants to talk as well. Be safe guys, don't take it lightly.

Wear your masks and stay at your homes.

Get vaccinated if you are eligible.

Love ya!

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