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"Batch of 2019 it was an honor to be part of this extremely vibrant bunch of students, I had so many good and bad memories with y'all. I am thankful to each one of you for making my stay in the campus a memorable one. I will always cherish our memories for ever and ever. We did it guys!" Our valedictorian screams and we all get up and throw our hats screaming 'Hooray'.

Looking around seeing the happy and smiling faces, I massage my jaw because I too smiled too much today. I mean we all are doctors. God should have mercy on our patients.

Just kidding!

But on the main note, we did it. Finally! Blood, sweat and tears were dedicated  and shed to come to this position.

I look around finding for that tall and handsome fella who manages to still make my heart skip a beat after all these years of togetherness.

I feel familiar hands encircling my waist and I ease into his warmth, 'my safe haven'.

Someone clears their throat and their stands our good old friend Daniel aka always lost fellow, casually having his arm around his love of life, which was no shock to us when they both came and told us.

Presenting you our sweet but a psycho couple edition, Daniel and Jessica.

"You guys are still being the same lovey dovey, eye sore couple even after all these years. Get a room guys!" He tells rolling his eyes.

Jessica just smiles and looks at him lovingly. God if they both are being like this then.

"Jess wanted to ask you, why are you wearing this yellow color dress?" He asks, shit here it goes.

"Why? Do I look pretty?" She asks, looking down at her dress.

"No you look like a minion! Doesn't she?" He looks at us and starts laughing like a crazy man.

She hits me very hard on his arm and runs away from him, he looks at us confusedly and we both just shake our heads and he runs behind her.

Some things never change!

"All set to meet my parents?" I ask smiling so sweetly.

"Oh god don't remind me, also you remember how to greet my parents right? Mom and dad ok?"

"But babe, my parents are also going to be there and you know how last year my dad found us both in the kitchen." I say, scratching my head.

"Shit! How much I wish he would have caught us kissing or something." He says and looks around now in full panic mode.

Zoey and her boyfriend are taking cute photos in the grass area, yes, the photographers are her parents.

Noah and Chloe are no where to be seen since they collected their certificates. Noah's parents couldn't make it, so only his brother and his wife came to see him graduate. Chloe's parents love Noah, so they were more than welcome to include him in their family activities. Yes, they all are staying together in a rented apartment near the campus.

Leah had a flight to catch up as soon as she collected the certificate, her mother is severely ill, so none of them from her family could make it. After the talk we had in Hawaii she became this closed off person and never saw another guy in intentions other than being friends.

Zoey and I were a little concerned but we left it cause end of the day it's her life.

Liam got together with Abigail it was so weird at first, cause first height difference. Initial few days they were actually being good friends but slowly the dynamics changed within them. It took them quite sometime they are indeed acting as a couple but not being one. Of course Abigail was the first one to realize it and asked him out in front of the whole campus one day after exams. It was quite eventful and beautiful, Liam cried that day like a baby hugging Abigail.

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