Chapter 1

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"Yes dad, I talked with the administration, I think I can start from tomorrow here." I tell hundredth time to my dad.

The thing is he has been asking me the same question, for a very long time. Also, he is pissed that he wasn't allowed along with me to talk with the office people.

Controlling in a snicker, I look at my mom who is looking around the campus with her big brown eyes. I smile and slide towards her, kind of running away from my dad's interrogation.

"By the way Maya, when is Leah coming, it's already closing hours here. I tried calling her father, but he is not responding." My dad says scratching his nose as he looks into his phone thoughtfully.

Praying that her dad didn't block my dad, cause of the questions my dad asks. I reply, "I think she is coming tomorrow, because of the rain their flight got cancelled."

Unlike us, who came by road to Boston from Florida. Her parents were more thoughtful and booked a plane. But sadly the rain spoilt their plan.

My dad hums a yes, absentmindedly. His random lookout gets zoomed in another family who is there enrolling to the university.

After finding his next prey, happily my dad starts walking towards them. I slow down my steps purposely as I didn't wanted to embarrass myself in front of a person who can be my classmate.

My sister along with my mom stay back as we look around the campus from the height. My mind just couldn't stop, as I slowly started looking around, acting coyly, as if I am looking randomly. But I really wanted to check that guy out, to whose dad my dad is now in a very deep conversation.

With my real poor vision, all I could make out was that he is really tall guy, he seemed so out of place with his leather jacket and big black boots.

I thought, 'He looks cute!'

See, the thing is I have a habit, I won't say it's a bad habit. It's just that I do it for an inspiration, maybe, maybe not. It's just that I am an hormonal teen maybe.

The habit started like when I was in second grade, I liked this guy so much. I used to sit next to him in the class. He was so silent and so sweet. I think I thought he was sweet cause he didn't talk to me much.

But, it's just that I really developed a huge crush on him. But being the small me, I didn't confess it or act as if I had a crush on him.

As I passed through various grades, he was not in my classes, then I started looking around and somehow I will find a guy who is interesting. I wouldn't call it having a crush, it's just that the person would interest me and I would take that as a crush and always go to school or attend the classes just to see them.

Yes, it sounds desperate and dumb, but  that's me. Hello, I am Maya Davis and my life is pretty boring.

Years passed by, then I started noticing a pattern, it was when I was in eighth grade, when I proved my thesis. It was in that year, the guys started asking their crushes of so long, that would they be their girlfriend.

It was then I noticed that, every crush that I had, was asking other girls out. Or it was a vice versa shit.

After that, irrespective of whether they were my new or old crushes, in  like some years maybe or even in some cases in a  matter of few days. The person who I had a crush on would be in a relationship or would have a thing for another girl.

Somehow I would clearly notice that, before they even make it official. Till I was like in my junior year, I used to keep my crushes to myself. Cause once in fifth grade I told to this one girl, who I thought was my friend, but she started blackmailing me, keeping that information.

It was so weird, thanks to god, as days passed by she forgot about it. But till now, thinking about that girl and her threats gives me chills.

So, thinking all these things through I shared my crush story to my friend Leah and you know what happened with that guy as well.

Thus, I have given myself the title, 'Unluckiest crush'

So seeing this guy, I was kind of confident. Because that was in school and now that I am in university. Things would be different. He maybe is the one.

After sometime, my dad walks towards us with a beaming smile. He starts telling that person was actually a pediatrician, and that his son, Daniel, is actually following his dad's steps and is now in pre-med course as me.

I was internally in cloud nine, my mind started making these cute scenarios of our official interaction. I couldn't help but nod and smile. My dad told to keep in touch with him as he seemed to be a good boy.

I really hoped that, he was as I my dad said. But also, my mind couldn't help but starts asking the dreadful questions.

'Is he single?'

Or, 'Does he have a thing on anyone else?'

Shaking my head, we start walking towards the dorm. I couldn't help but be excited to go to class tomorrow, kind of maybe I will be regular in classes because of him.

Giggling to myself, I start dreaming about tomorrow.


Maya's crushWhere stories live. Discover now