Chapter 15

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"Are you serious? He asked you out to watch the new Marvel movie. Girl, you are so lucky!!" I exclaim.

Leah rolls her eyes and says, "Maya, I told you I am over him. Also its not only us, his friends are also joining. He asked me to bring my friends too,"

"Girl! And you are telling me now this, yes I am down! What about Zoey!"

"She is going back to Florida for few days to be with her fam. It's her cousin's marriage." She tells as she is curling her hair.

I get dressed real fast and in no time we start walking outside.

"Maya!" Leah tells soflty.

I look at her and she shows her phone, the texts reads that actually it's going to be only them going as his friends bailed out at the last minute.

All the things, finally strike me. The thing is for few days, she has been too distant, I think because of that he offered to watch her favorite movie.

Another text pops up, in which he asks her, is she sure I will be joining them. I roll my eyes at his text. See I don't care about him, I need to watch the movie that's all. We start walking to the gate, that when Daniel catches up to us and he also says he is also watching the movie.

I thank all the stars cause somewhere I felt I would be third wheeling, I am so glad he joins us. The all the way ride to the movies, Dan and I talk a lot. I still can't believe few months back, I had a crush on him. Now that I am sitting with him talking and watching the movie, it's really nothing more than two friends watching a movie.

The movie gets over and we get an Uber back to dorm, they both were going out of town for the holidays.

Leah and I decided to stay back as it was only for five days, and it sounded absurd to go back to NYC for few days.

On the first day, we clean our room like crazy people and on the second day, we just chill in the campus and have fun.

On the third day, Chloe comes back from her small trip to Hawaii with her family, even Noah had came back due to some reason. So we all planned to go to see the movies. But, all of a sudden, Chloe comes with this idea of us to go to her beach house in Miami. I roll my eyes at first but she begs us and we finally give in.

But two days, being out of the dorm without our parents knowing is truly terrifying. But we wing it back and go on, Noah and Zach also join us. We actually rent a car and have a small road trip. Though we travelled for one whole day, it was certainly amazing.

We all took turns and drove. During the night stay in, Sebastian and I chatted in Snap for like two hours. He was whining that we left him and went. We were just talking about random shit and it was so funny.

We both were equally shocked at the duration of our talks. Her house is magical. There is a caretaker for the huge ass house, her name is Maria and she is so sweet.

We have the time of our lives in the beach. We spend like the whole day in there, we were given our foods and drink there by Maria. Even we had a small bonfire for just five of us. Since it is a private beach we had all the privacy we needed.

Zach and Leah are actually getting very close, they have been very playful. Even now, they are wrapped up in a blanket, I kind of feel a little left out. Cause Noah and Chloe have been having their fun time and it has been just me. Sure we played some games which included all of us. But still, it has been a little lonely.

I have a feeling if Sebastian was here for sure, I wouldn't have been feeling like this. Thinking about him is surely putting a smile on my face.

We all crash in our rooms, in the morning I get up early since I felt thirsty. That time, I crossed Noah's room which was wide open and something in me told me to look in and I saw Chloe and Noah are sleeping together in the same bed. Since the window was open, I could see both of them were fully clothed.

But seeing them all snuggled together it seemed wrong for me to see it. But still somewhere it felt wrong, but they both did look cute together.


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