Chapter 2

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"Hey Leah! What's up? The administration process is done?" I speak to Leah in the phone. Frantically, checking my bag, if I have all the things for the day.

"No dude, it's still going on, some paperwork, it seems. I think I will be joining you for the afternoon class maybe. Or tomorrow maybe?" She whispers the last part.

Knowing well about Leah, though we have been friends still junior year. Our fathers knew each other since we were small. We rarely talked but became inseparable at junior year. I am not exactly fan of her, I know it's weird. I have poor judgmental
skills and also some trust issues.

She would definitely try not to come to the class, because she is a lazy goose. Saying a quick bye as I was running late. I take a protein bar from the shelf and start running out of the dorm.

There was a feeling of satisfaction, when I locked the door and put the keys into my bag. The feeling of being mature was something I always longed for. Being the youngest one, I was pampered since I was a kid.

This may sound very braggy and stupid, but that's me.

After walking out of the dorm, I was so confused where to go. Asking several security guards and trying not to have any communication with any other people. I started walking towards to the place, the security pointed to.

Reaching the class, before opening the door, I take a deep breath in, to calm my exciting nerves.

Upon entry, I could feel all eyes on me, being a big person, I don't even know how I must call myself. I am not against about how I look, but I am insecure about the way I look. Being, chubby and short is not exactly an ideal girl proportions. Time to time, I get insecure and try to cover myself and be small in crowds. The mantra I always repeat to myself is that, 'Follow the mass, mingle into the crowd'.

Being a thick girl, I have always found it difficult to blend in. But, I have always tried to with my personality. The key word here is 'try'.

I search for an empty seat in the big room and sit down next to a girl who looked kind. Maybe, looks can be deceiving but I go with my gut and sit next to her.

She instantly smiles at me and we have a small conversation about the college and introduced ourselves. She told me she was from Boston and that she is leaving with her parents. I couldn't help but miss my parents as she talks.

I mentally push away that thought, as it has been only a day since they left and I started missing them already.

While talking to her my eyes start searching around the room and sadly I couldn't locate him. Suddenly the door opens and he waltzes into the room. He walked so normally and showed no attitude. He had a smile and confused look as he sat next to some guy and instantly started talking with him.

After some time, the professor enters, and I huff out a breathe as being alone and finally learning in my dream college slowly sinks in.

"Leah please for the umpteenth time, be in the dorm for today. We need to get used to it." I sigh as she is crying clutching her mom. Her mom looking so worried as she says calm words to her.

The thing is my friend here, is literally a baby. I am serious, just that she has grown up but her thoughts and actions are literally of a three year old. She is literally, throwing a tantrum, that she doesn't want her mom to leave.

I huff out and leave the room and go outside to get some fresh air. I start to regret why did I agree for her to be my roommate. My dad's face flashes as  he was the one who took up the decision.

Giving out another sigh, I randomly start walking around the campus. That's when I get a call from Leah, picking it.

I hear her mom say, "Maya, I think she is a little homesick. I am taking her to the hotel with us. She will be staying there for few days, till she feels back to normal."

I literally felt like plucking my hair out, but controlling my anger I reply, "It's ok aunty, tell her to take care of herself and yeah, sure give me a call when she decides to stay here." I couldn't help but sarcasm is literally dripping in my voice.

Her mom being clueless as her daughter, says, "Thanks Maya, we are leaving now, can I keep the door open or I will lock it and go. You have your key?"

I check my pockets and give out a small curse as I say, "Oh no! I don't, just leave it open I will be back soon."

Her mom simply cuts the call. I couldn't help but wonder, Leah didn't even have the courtesy to call me by herself.

As I reach the room, I see it empty. Thinking they have already left. I close the door, change into comfy pajamas. I retire early to the bed.


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