Forever and more

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Marriage, a term popularly used and fancied during different walks of life.

Especially in a girl's life, I still remember the first marriage I attended, I was in awe.

The bride who was my cousin sister was getting married o her love of life, she was literally glowing that day. She seemed extremely stressed but was happy at the same time. I was the flower girl and the bridesmaid along with my mother was teaching me the proper etiquette and the things I have to do. The ceremony was small only close family and friends. The best moment was the time when the bride entered and the groom sees her for the first time. I still remember how the groom's eyes was filled with tears but he still wore a huge smile. He took her hands and they both stared at each other for good two minutes.

It was then a that moment, I came to know what love is. Since that day I yearned for that kind of love. Of course as I grew up, I came to know it is not so easy to get someone to look at you like that or even have such strong feelings. But still a girl can dream right.

That late night talks you have with your friends at the sleepover or when you attend marriages of your fellow colleagues. Where we all take turns, starting from what is our ideal type to the flowers and the colour palette for the wedding. Some times we go so overboard and laugh at how bizarre or impractical we talk.

But when you are actually put into that situation of actually planning a wedding, you come to know how every single idea or plan that you had sees practically impossible and when told out loud sounds like absolute joke. The worse part is when it's actually your wedding, there is question for everything, a doubt, a panic and sometimes it gets overwhelming to a point that you feel like running away and get married at a drive thru instead.

But now standing in front of this 6 feet long mirror, wearing my wedding gown and having my veil placed over my head by my sister and my mother screaming behind at some kid. My friends/ bridesmaids checking their matching lavender dress and makeup. In one word it can be explained as pure chaos.

But for some unknown reason, i am feeling content

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But for some unknown reason, i am feeling content. Like the purpose of my life seems served. It sounds very old school and vintage, but I feel the teenage self of mine is in cloud nine for sure.

"Maya are you listening to what we are saying?" My sister asks as she smoothness my veil and places her cold and clammy hand over my shoulder.

I nod my head and look at her through the mirror.

"Ok, so you still have time, my husband is having is car running and if you even send us a signal when you walking down the aisle. I will rush towards you and we can run away." My sister tells seriously with her voice becoming louder as she sails each word.

I turn and place my hands on her hands and give it a slight squeeze, that's when I see how tensed she looked. I smile and say, "I am happy, sister!"

Her frown turns into a smile instantly and she clutches my hand and turn around to the bustling crowd, "Let's go ladies, we have a wedding to celebrate."

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