Chapter 23

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"Guys this is my favorite dress, I hate you all, but here goes nothing!" Zoey says as she removes her heels and rubs her palms.

I stand next to her and I say, "Hey, you don't have to do this, we will ask him to change the dare."

"But where's the fun in that, I have to show them what I am capable of. It's just a cartwheel, easy peasy lemon squeezy."

She places her hands on the ground, I take a step back and everyone starts cheering for her loud.

It's around nine pm now, we all saw the sunset together and took some pictures trying to catch the sun.

Most of the people in the park has left now, there were few couples. But they all are silent. It's us who is making the maximum use of the park now.

In one swift motion she does the cartwheel but when she was about to land, her hand slips on the wet pavement and she slips falling right onto her butt.

I was in shock and all the cheering stopped. I was about to run towards her, when she starts laughing more like cackling and rolls on the floor.

Noah is the next person to jump in he did more of a semi roll over and in few minutes all of us were in the ground.

I was being a sane person and I just sit on the floor. Pulling my dress, so that my legs are covered and adjust my dress so that my fat rolls will not be visible.

I feel someone sit next to me and throw their hand around my shoulder, "So, you still didn't do my dare yet."

"Sebastian, the fuck, I told you. I will not, you freaking asked me to kiss you."

He just smirks and pulls me closer to him.

"Yeah! I know that, I was the one who asked for it."

I look around and see if anyone is looking at us or listening to the nonsense this guy is blabbering.

But everyone's attention is on Leah and Zoey as they are telling some story animatedly to them. This is classic them, I will be annoyed normally. But right I am thankful cause I stand up, pulling Sebastian up.

Because I think there is some serious business to be talked upon. We both start walking towards the small lake that is situated in the middle of the park.

I put a quick message to Zoey saying that we both will be back in ten minutes. When I lock my phone and put it in my purse.

I can feel someone pressing against my back, his arms slowly circle my waist and he pulls me closer filling the imaginary gap between us.

I stay there unlike few times, this past evening when he tried this. This surprises him and well as myself. But I lean into his touch and I can feel his face lowering close to my ears.

My senses kick in and press my heel onto his shoe in reflex.

"Ow, woman! What was that for?" He screams as he rubs his foot.

I take a step back and take a deep breath and say, "I should be asking you that. What is happening Sebastian?"

He slowly regains his composure, puts his shoes back on and stands straight looking into my eyes with a stare I haven't ever seen.

"Cutting straight to the chase are we?"

I slowly nod my head, not being sure what to speak.

"Maya, I know I have done some questionable stuff to you for the past few months. Now that I am thinking about it. I am really ashamed of my actions. But all that I can tell you now, I am standing in front of you. This is me, this is the real me. No games, no lies." He tells with so much sincerity and guilt.

Being super confused, I take a step forward and ask, "What are you talking about? What games?"

"Oh Zoey and Leah didn't tell you?"
He asks with confusion.

"Sebastian stop beating around the bush and tell me, what's the matter?" I say frustrated.

"Maya! I love you! Goddamit! And I have for a few months now." He says running his hands through his thick hair. He looks and searches my eyes for some sort of expression.

But I stand there motionless, I just feel numb all over and I take a step back, my legs are giving away. I take another deep breath and close my eyes.

"Maya, say something. You are scaring me right now!" He tells in despair.

"For how long?" I ask my voice so low and I couldn't even look at his face.

"Since December!" He tells and steps forward, I look up straight into his eyes. I don't know why I was hoping for him to start laughing or wanted someone to jump in and scream gotcha!

But sadly nothing of that sort was happening, I was just standing there looking lifeless, with my heart beating so fast. And a worried looking man who is waiting for an answer.

Our trance was broken by both of our phones ringing out loud.

I take up my phone, it's Chloe calling and he already picked up his call and it's Noah.

I pick up mine, "Hey Maya! Don't you want to go back to dorm, it's getting late."

"I will come soon. Wait for me."

I tell that and look up to Sebastian who is still standing there with hope glistening through his eyes.

I shake my head and start walking without turning back.

He runs and catches up with me, because of this stupid dress and heels I can't even run. A small voice in my brain scoffs at me cause it knows that's not the only reason.

He takes my hand, but I pull away from his grasp. He looks hurt and stands there still not moving. With a last look at him, I walk fast and join the girls.


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