"Marry me?"

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What are birthdays? I have always wondered.

When I was a kid I loved them, my ideal birthday would be to be with my family, cut cake, distribute chocolates, wear new dress go to church, get gifts and eat my favorite food.

Then when I became a teen, I wanted to throw my own birthday party with no parents policy. Cut cakes, waste half of it by putting it on each other's faces, take lots of pictures. Wear the most trendiest outfit, should be glittery and fancy. Play truth or dare and have a sleepover to complete the night.

During college times, it used to wild, the day before the birthday itself we will go to a bar, have lots of drinks and dance till we lose our minds. Be hungover as fuck the next day morning, but Sebastian would always be a darling and would leave for me hangover soup along with Advil. He will take me to a quite lunch date and we will go to arcade or to Disneyland and he will buy for me cute stuff and good food. Treat me like a queen the entire day. In the evening, our official party planners of the group would arrange a small party with cakes, cooked food and wine. We will click so many photos and there is still hard drive with folders filled with photos from different years.

But now, all I do is buy a new dress, which is usually something that is in my wishlist for a while or a Pinterest inspired outfit. But end of the day it will not fit me right and so I will wear the dress in it's most basic way and just reply thank you to all the messages and have a slice of cake from a fancy bakery along with black coffee.

We all are still in touch but since all of us are far away from each other we don't meet often, we often gather on the new year's every year. It has been five years since we completed our undergrad.

Last year we all were super busy during the new year's so we all saw each other in zoom meet. It was nice seeing them all but still it wasn't like the other years.

My walk down the memory lane comes to a scorching halt, when a hand grabs my waist and pulls me closer to them.

"Happy Birthday wifey!!" He tells with his eyes still closed and with his raspy morning voice.

He pouts for a kiss and I just hit his lips with my hand.

"You stink! Go brush your teeth!" I giggle in the end. He opens his eyes and in the next moment I am under him and he towers me.

Now being fully awake he smiles evilly, thinking he trapped me. But being with him for now ten years, I know all his weak spots.

I slowly poke his hips and he screams like a baby, I push him over and run to the washroom.

Closing it and doing my morning chores, I look myself in the mirror. I am 29 years old this year, can't believe how the years passed by.

I can already see how deep my smile lines have become. As usual classic sign of a doctor, I have deep eye bags still.

My hair is still long, very thin though. I thought I would have got hair transplant done when I became 25 itself. But seems like it's not yet too bad.

The pounding in the door gets my attention and an angry cute man comes to my view.

Sebastian is just the same, actually I wouldn't say that. He matured real well, now he has a beard and has muscles. Yup have to tell about his yummy abs as well.

"Checked me out enough or should I do a strip dance in the honor of your birthday." He asks smirking.

"Yeah that would be adequate!" I say with a straight face and sit down onto the bed, signaling him to begin.

He raises his eyebrow, but starts swaying his hips and is about to remove his shirt. My phone starts ringing and I roll my eyes and attend it without looking the caller id.

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