Chapter 27

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It has been three months since we started being together,dating I don't know what we are. I mean I was the person who agreed to take it slow. You know the whole no label thingy, but I don't know what we are anymore.

I am not complaining, I am so happy, Sebastian is being the best, he is being his normal goofy self, pranking and teasing me all the time. But we have been super cautious around our friends though.

That was one thing we both agreed upon mutually to wait and then tell them about us, I don't know what we are going to tell. Like we are hanging out behind your backs. Going to date like places but nah, it's not a big deal. We are just friends who kisses occasionally and sometimes it gets super hot. God! What am I doing?

Wait, I don't even know why I am thinking too much, I love him, he loves me too. Yeah, we have been both saying that to each other to often nowadays.

I have finally understood what love is, thanks to him for that. So I am making an executive decision now, I am going to ask him to be my boyfriend! How's that?

We are in 2022 now, it's high time we girls take up this high horse don't we?

Leah and Zoey sits next to me, surprisingly they didn't ask me anything from that day. I mean pried to get any information, I am really glad I have them both in my lives.

I mean they are a pain sometimes but still they are my pain.

We have an exam coming up in a week now, we are losing our minds. I guess I am losing my mind, that's why I am having thoughts like that, added to that, Sebastian and I have not met each other for the past two weeks now.

I know pretty harsh, but we both thought it would be better, if we start concentrating on studies. Cause we both were slacking off.

So there I am sitting in library with these two girls, they both are studying. While I am doodling and thinking about him.

We have been messaging though, not so often, cause I didn't want to seem desperate.

But now that I am looking into my last message which has a sign reading below it, 'read 5 minutes ago'.

I think I sounded like a clingy bitch.

The words, 'I miss you, wish you were here with me'.

It is haunting me a little, but that's how I am feeling right now. I mean we both agreed to be honest to each other right.

Couldn't take up more of the embarrassment that he saw it but didn't message me yet. I excuse myself and walk towards the washroom. I mean he does that often, even being 'together' nothing has changed. He still leaves me on read and I do sometimes too, just to get him off.

It's not easy to get him off though, one thing that gets him pretty angry, is when he sees me talking to Liam or Alex. He fumes and either comes and stands next to me, trying to join in the conversation or just stare at us standing far away.

Both are super creepy, I have to talk to him about that. But those are the only situations that assure me he wants me, I know I sound like a clingy crazy gf! What has gotten to me, this is not the Maya I am aware of. Am I changing cause of that stupid dude?

I enter the washroom, splash my face with cold water. As I look myself in the mirror, I take up my appearance, I look like a potato. Not like French fry one I look like a raw potato. I have stress acne all over my forehead. I am not wearing contacts because I wanted to cover up my dark eye bags, thanks to my late nights for that.

I am wearing a plain pink t shirt and a black hoodie that's too loose for me, I mean it is making me look twice the size I am. A loose black sweat pants that's super worn out, I am sure there is a hole somewhere in it too. I didn't even bother with my footwear, I wore some random sliders. My hair is the worst, it's so greasy and I put it into a bun and my big ass forehead is on full display with all the scars and shit. I cover up my head with the hoodie and walk outside looking down.

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