Chapter 10

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The show is in three days, the feeling has hit all of us finally. We all are freaking out and having our lil burst out moments.

Sam is totally not happy with Sebastian's performance. The thing is Sebastian is not understanding the seriousness. He is taking the situation too lightly.

Like, he knows what to do. But during practice time, this is in front of us. He acts all goofy and dumb. Which is making it very difficult for us.

All of a sudden the other day he was like he forgot his dialogues when he was in midway of acting.

Then, after that he laughed and then did his part to the point. He was acting all goofy, and Sam didn't like it a bit. He kind of screamed at him in front of all of us.

I think at-least today he will be a little serious. From today onwards on stage practice begins officially. Some of our professors are joining us too.

So it's going great so far. I have acted my part for the day. Nowadays, Sam asks me to only act once in a day of practice in front of him. I practice two to three times among ourselves.

After complying today's quota, we are actually chilling now. Leah is kind of doing her new scenes with the professors, today. So she's is busy. Zoey is having her dance practice. The other guys which is Noah and Daniel are also practicing their march past dance kind of a thing. It's truly hilarious.

Chloe and Jessica are also in their dance practice. My co actors have either gone back to their dorm or is chatting and being on phone.

It's now only, Sebastian and I who is now lounging outside of the auditorium. Since we are in the fifth floor. With bright round full moon and cool winter breeze.

He is as usual on his phone and I am looking at the sky and chilling. Alex along with his roommate, is doing some random fun shit in the corridor.

I was looking at that and laughing and that's when I hear, Noah say out of nowhere. "Woah, Maya even you! You also have crush on those two hotties?"

He hits Sebastian, who looks up from his phone screen and joins along Noah. "Oh yeah! Maya has always had crush on them. I mean look at them they are so hot. Maya is definitely a sucker for them."

I couldn't help but just roll my eyes and keep my mouth shut. That's when I start thinking I should really work on my comeback speaking skills.

Noah smirks and continues, "Maya, who else? I mean that guy too I guess? Then..."

He pointed to random people and then started saying random names. But when he said this name so slowly and his eyes being so calculative.

"Definitely, Sebastian too."

His expression is really scary. It's kind of like he knows that I have crush on him. I just as I was saying to all the other names shrug my shoulders and say, "Next?"

Sebastian, after a small pause then says, "Sam" and we all start laughing like hyenas. Cause Sam is just so hyper and kind of who needs all the thing to be done and proper. I have never seen him like that, so I ended but cracking like a crazy person.

I sobered up when my costar, Natalie, comes up to me.

"Hey Maya, can I speak with you for sometime?"

I sober up immediately looking at her scared expression.

We start walking and she slowly starts, "Maya, I don't know how to say this. This all started at the charity event. There was this guy from senior year. He started troubling me asking to make him hot chocolate. I told that the ingredients are over. But he just blatantly said I will but for you will you make it for me being my vixen."

I take a sharp breathe in and she pauses. Nodding her head she continues, "After that immediately his friend came and he left. I thought he was done with me. But now again he started following me here. For few days actually. In the beginning, I thought I was being paranoid. But see, even now he is standing against the lift, looking at us."

I slowly look up being subtle and indeed there was a tall lanky guy who looked too shabby with deep eye bags.

He saw me looking at him, then immediately turned and started walking down the stairs.

I ask her to say to Sam or Rachal about it. But she is refusing saying that. He hasn't actually approached her. But I was like he can do it anytime. Now that our practice hours have been extended up to 12 o clock in the night. It's not safe for her to take decisions like this. But she was being adamant and left.

I am now standing back in the same place and looking at the clear blank sky. I hear Sebastian ask, "Hey what's the matter with Nat?"

I couldn't help but get a little jealous as he had already given her a nickname. She is very beautiful too. Brushing off all those thoughts I say him the matter.

He gets so disgusted and says, "Yeah some of the guys said he is so stupid and dumb. But this is absolute crap."

I nodded my head and since it was time for the dinner. We planned to have it in the in campus diner. I thought of paying today. As we were actually taking turns since the practice started to pay.

First Sebastian, was excited. Then in the beginning I was kind of skeptical to pay for all us like nine people. He saw that expression on my face and says, "Hey Maya, what about I will put a rain check on this offer. I gotta go somewhere now. So I will have food there ok! Bye."

Since his lie was so lousy I called him off. But he shrugged his shoulders and startled walking down the stairs.

My heart swell at his reaction, that he was so considerate about me paying for all.

In the diner, we were waiting for the food. Mine and Leah's order came we ordered for Chicken Noodles. Since everyone was so hungry we were giving small spoonfuls to all of them.

The weird part is that, currently Leah and Zoey are feeding Noah. And Chloe is just burning with pure rage. Mean comments gets thrown by Jessica.

Jess says, "My god, look at Noah having random girls right and left to feed him."

I was too confused that I couldn't comprehend my surroundings. The fact that she called Leah a random girl and her tone bothered me a lot. This is noticed by Zoey and Leah too. They have a very sad and embarrassed expression on their face.

I randomly say, "We have only ten minutes, Sam wanted to talk to me about something."

I start eating fast and after completing my share. I get joined by Leah and Zoey who were silent since the comment. We all left back up as we leave the other guys down.

I voice out my thoughts and Leah and Zoey just shrug their shoulders, looking down.

It really irked me seeing them like that. But being helpless and a chicken, I don't do anything about it.

I get a call from Natalie, as I take it I hear her say, "Maya, Sebastian. I think there is a problem that senior guy did something to him I guess."

What the fuck?


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