Chapter 28

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Finally the exams are over, like always, Chloe and Zoey have come with this amazing plan to have a holiday getaway to Hawaii.

I know too much for just completing our pre med. But we really do need a break.

We go out for shopping, I didn't had to spend a lot of time, it's always easy to find dresses for me, cause there is only limited options in my size. I try them out sometimes they sometimes they don't fit, or they will be overly priced.

So I bought swim shorts, a one piece suit those two were my bold choices. Then I got a dress and some fancy flats. I took my bags and the girls were still trying out and taking pictures. I excused myself and texted Sebastian, he told me to give him five minutes as he was in the billing area.

I patiently wait outside the arcade, my legs are itching to go in and play some games. But again, it has been ages since I saw Sebastian, I mean properly see him, if you know what I mean.

I spot him, I look down and he kept his word, sometimes I am really shocked to the way how he keeps up the time. That's surely something we both disagreed in the beginning, but he has changed.

I hug him not caring anyone will see us, he was surprised at first but then hugs me back as tightly. Smelling me like usual too.

"I think I have to buy you the perfume I use, you like it more than I do." I jokingly say and move back.

He hugs me again and I chuckle at his action.

"Nah I like the person that comes along with the smell, thank you for the offer."

I smile and hug him back, as I take a step back, that's when I notice two things.

Number one there is Noah standing and gaping at both us. Great busted.

Second he is hand in hand with Chloe, wow, seems like both of us are busted.

He follows my eye movements and leaves her hand, both of them stand shell shock. I tap Sebastian's shoulders asking him to look back, he throws his hand over me and lazily pulls me closer to him.

But then when he looks at them he tries to take his hand off, but I grab it and keep it in place.

"What the hell Maya? That's Noah and Chloe right? Leave my hand." He says smiling but squirming under my grasp.

"Babe, they got busted as well!" I say waving them to join us inside the arcade.

We are now standing near the shoot the bootle booth. Noah and Sebastian were holding toy guns and trying to hit the bottles.

I stood along with an angsty Chloe, I bump my shoulder with her to bring her out of her trance.

"Chloe, what's up you are awfully very silent." I say smiling.

"Girl, I beg you. Please don't tell about Noah and I to anyone. Pretty please."

Noah also stops and pulls Chloe by waist and says, "Yeah Maya, we are not yet comfortable to go public. Just like you guys. You are also together right?"

I look up to Sebastian who is busy hitting the targets, I hit his head to grab his attention. He runs it and looks at us confusedly.

"What?" He says angrily.

"They are saying something!"

He waves his hand off, "Yeah yeah I heard my moth is shut guys, you guys also don't tell about us to anyone."

I hit him again, but he just shrugs and continues playing.

Rolling my eyes, I look back at them. They looked happy yet sad. I wanted to ask more but I kept my mouth shut and just smiled at them.

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