Chapter 19

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It's the Sunday, Zoey is going out with her family as they came here to visit her.

So Leah and I along with some guys that includes, Sebastian, Daniel and Liam.

But the thing is Sebastian is acting so weird. Like super weird.

We thought maybe it is because of the stupid prank which was Zoey's idea. Which I didn't wanted be part of, but I was.

We acted as if we had some fight internally and when he called we both kind of screamed him off.

It's childish, but yeah!

Now he is just being so weird and silent, even in the movies too.

Now we are out to have some food, we come to a good sit down restaurant. Even in the table, he is talking very less the other guys are way interactive than him.

Being back in the bus to our campus, is the time we talked something. It is just some stupid tease. I really didn't talk much.

But, now we are walking towards the campus, since the climate is so good.

It's just us three, Leah, Sebastian and I. So when Leah asks, "So how's it going with Abigail?"

He effortlessly tells a lie, which is somewhat clear from my side. I don't know how, he says, "Oh no! We kind of talked for a while. But you see, I don't think so there is a future."

He smiles and just walks. I have a strong feeling they are dating in silent or some shit like that. Whatever I don't care.
"Are you serious?" I ask Leah.

She nods her head crying.

Ok what the fuck?

Great! The thing is Sebastian being a dick, is not accepting the fact that Leah and Zach are not a thing anymore.

It seems today in the class, he was just in front of everybody, was like, "Talk it out guys, oh my god the sexual tension here is so thick."

He spalled out some bullshit like that.

I am so angry, I call him and he picks up in few rings.

"What the fuck Sebastian? What's your problem? It's a matter between them both. Why are you interfering?" I scream.

"Oh, hmm, Maya I got a go. They are calling me. Bye."

That's it. He fucking cuts the call.

I throw my phone to the bed and exclaim, "That's the fucking last time, I am speaking with him. That's it."

Leah just looks up and nods.

I don't know what I am feeling right now, I just walk passed Sebastian, when he walked towards three of us.

Like sure, Leah and Zoey are talking with him right now. But I saw his expression as I passed by him, it was marvelous.

But for sure as hell I am so happy seeing that. It has been a successful week of not talking with him. It has been easy as the classes have been busy most of the time.

Leah says, "By the way, Sebastian is asking if you are still angry at him."

"Is he asking you?"

"Yeah!" She shows me the text. I roll my eyes and tell her, "Say i don't know."

Next thing I know my phone pings, it's Sebastian.

I can see in the notifications bar, it reads, "Hey!"
Then next one comes,
"You there?"

I just silent my phone and sleep.

I have officially avoided him like a plague for two weeks now. The problem is we are having a recreation camp tomorrow.

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