Chapter 20

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Since the camp, he has been away from me. All the time he sees me around, he avoids the people who I talk with.

It's peachy but I feel good. I have been taking time out, just studying and catching up with college.

They have both officially announced they are dating too. Which is totally not a shocker to anyone. Only stupid thing, is now they are doing everything in public.

I mean, it has helped me a lot to come out of the stupid crush I had on him.

Which is good, I think.

"Hey May, you good?" Liam asks as he sits across me.

"I am! So what's up?" I reply. Closing the laptop.

"Nothing much, so are you busy or something?"

"No dude!" I say.

"Oh cool cool!" He says and looks around. We are currently in the middle of a very busy diner. I am very confused by his behavior, but I am not in a mood to make an actual conversation.

"Ok then! I gotta go! Have a good day!" I say.

He nods his head and still looks around, it seems like he is searching for someone.

I get a call from Leah.

"Hey girl!" I say.

"Hi, Maya!" She says. I wait for her to continue but the line is still silent.

"Yeah! Leah, what's up?"

I just get a pause, followed by some ruffle. Then the call goes silent.

Ok! Weird!

I just put my phone back into my pocket and walk out.

Zoey calls me, ok what's up with these people.

I take the call, before I could say anything. She says, "Sebastian and Abigail broke up!"

What the fuck?

"Ah! Ok! Ok! Cool! How do you know it?"

"Hmm..ok bye!"

She just freaking cut the call. I call her back, but it is going to voicemail.

Thinking it's one of her stupid pranks, I walk back to the dorm. I stop by a cafe and is now waiting for my iced latte.

"Hey Maya!" I turn to see Sebastian.

"Oh hi!" I reply and look forward. That's when it strikes me, I am not in speaking terms with him.

I curse a bit loudly and he says, "Excuse me?"

I don't turn and just wait for the barista to hand me my latte and I can get the fuck out of here.

"Maya, I am sorry!" He says, the problem is he is standing too close to me. I don't know why though, cause there is no one in the line. He could stand a bit to far.

I just press myself more against the glass stand and look down at various cakes in the display.

"Maya! I am talking to you!" He says more firmly, a hint of anger is evident.

"Ok!" I say rolling my eyes. Finally I see the barista coming towards me, paying her the cash.

I turn to leave, but he says, "Can I talk with you for sometime?"

I just stand facing the door about to leave. I am about to take the step forward.

He says, "Please Maya!"

I reply, "Not now, I am busy. Bye!"

I leave the place in a lightening speed. I stand in front of my dorm and sit on the steps, trying to catch my breath.

I don't know whether I did the right thing? But suddenly the image of him and Abi comes in.

Anger surfaces in me and I stand up and go to my room.

"It seems, they dated for like what a month?" Zoey asks Leah.

Leah shrugs and replies, "I don't think so, it was much lesser. Isn't it Maya?"

I look at them both and give them the look, 'Are you kidding me?'

They both understand from my expression and start talking about some other stuff.

I tune out and continue reading.

I don't know since the other day, Leah and Zoey have been acting very weird. Actually, not only them both. All the people in our group has been.

Like yesterday, Chloe and Noah, randomly came and started talking about Abigail.

"You know, I always knew that girl was a bad news." Noah says as he looks and Chloe, then at me.

It looked like he wanted to see some reaction from me. But I just look down at my phone and mindlessly scroll through it.

"I know right! But still she is such a babe. You know, the other day. My nail broke and I was panicking and she offered her nail glue to me. So sweet right?" Chloe says smiling.

I look up from the phone and raise my eyebrow at it.

"See, that's why I said that about her. Who carries a nail glue along with them everywhere. Right Maya?" Noah says.

I just shrug my shoulders and say, "I mean, she has acrylics on. So it makes sense, but still a little weird though."

They both nod their heads and we start talking about something totally different. The way Chloe changed the topic was so weird.

Then, there is Daniel. He was the weirdest, he just came out of nowhere and sat next to me in the class and started talking.

His first question was, "Did you know Abigail and Sebastian were in a relationship?"

I nod my head and continue writing.

"Wow, they told you?" He asks, sighing out loud.

"Hmm, no!"

"Then" he asks, now looking at me directly.

"I mean, their actions were pretty self explanatory." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Ohh like that! But they could have been super friendly to each other too right."
He says shrugging his shoulders.

"What are you trying to say Daniel, end of the day. They were in the relationship, that's the fact." I say a little irritated.

"Woah! Woah! Nothing. Ok cool! Bye, see you around!" He says raising his hands up and just leaves.

See, told you all have been acting so weird for a week. Seems like what Zoey said the other day is true. They both are not hanging around, also, why when did they actually break up?

You know what, I don't care.

But still, there is some unsettling feeling deep down my heart. I want to look more into the matter. But I am just to exhausted to even try.


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