Chapter 3

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After a week, Leah finally comes out of her homesick phase. God, you should have seen the time when her parents left. All were crying and hugging.

It was a very awkward state is an understatement. I simply stood there waving them bye. As Leah was sobbing and crying hysterically.

Seeing some weird looks being passed upon, I start to walk towards the dorm and I can sense the crying Leah following me silently.

Being so early to the class, we were sitting and chatting with a girl who joined our class today. She is actually having a brother who is a junior here. Her name is Zoey and she is so sweet. She seemed in the beginning a little bitchy but as we talked I came to know she is actually a big softie.

We are now being taken for a campus tour in small groups. I am so sad that Daniel is not part of our group. Putting it to the back of my mind. We start following the person who is showing us around. After a couple of building tours, we were left to be by ourselves. As we three were looking around lost as we kind of came out of from our original group.

We come across two guys, they seemed to be lost too. So I asked them whether they wanted to join us and they readily agreed and we are now walking around. I couldn't help but stare at this one guy's butt. It was so toned. Like I know I am being very what to say a little inappropriate, but boy he had some firm butt action.

I couldn't help but voice these thoughts to my girls and they too agreed. We giggled and followed them. As we searching our way out, we started introducing ourselves. That firm butt guy(I didn't know his name, so called him that) is literally saying some random names.

He is not saying, his real name. It is really infuriating us. Just then, Zoey gets a call from her brother and he is asking us to join him in the library.

After asking him the direction as we all five are very lost. Leah and I are very excited as we were talking, it would be so cool and cliche if her brother is good looking and a handsome catch.

As we are looking around, we see two boys waving their hands. Instantly, Zoey starts dragging us to them. I couldn't help but feel a little sad as her brother is not as we expected him to be. But he is sweet and especially his friend is very witty.

They tried being rude and asked the boys some dumb questions, but they both started laughing and is so welcoming and the friend of her brother actually clicked a picture of us five cause he thinks we are actually going to be a group of good friends.

Finally the butt guy, told his name, it is Alexander Scott and that people call him Alex. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as he seemed too cocky.

But he is quite handsome though, I could literally see his fine abs through his tight white T-shirt.

Laughing and socializing with her brother and his friend we walk back to our class. After lunch, we didn't see them, nor we interacted after that.

"So we are having a small debate,'s fun and I would get to know your intellectuals. So let's begin." Our over enthusiastic, English professor is standing in front of the class with his hands wide open asking for people to come front.

Being very lazy as it was after lunch, we are very tired and bored.

"Ok! That's not a good sign. If you are not coming forward, I would be forced to select random people." He states and the entire class gets into a hustle with random groans being thrown in.

The inner insecure me resurfaces in as I look down the printed schedule he passed on. Immediately he starts pointing students randomly.

After a couple of very boring but some interesting sessions later. The dreadful thing happened and he points at me.

First, I acted total oblivious and he says, "Hey you! The black shirt girl, come forward!"

I couldn't help but my heart starts beating faster as I walk forward he tells us our topics, I was just looking at him. That I didn't even notice who my opponent is, when I looked to my side, I couldn't believe it is Alex freaking Scott.

Blaming my stars, I walk in front along with him. Our topic is, 'Corruption will be eradicated in future'. I am against the notion and he is for the notion.

We start after some time, as we were given some time to research. Once I got forward, my nervousness took a backseat, as I personally loved debate. But being underprepared, I am a little shaky.

We had an intense banter of back and forth. He is constantly looking into his phone and stating some unknown facts, which seems very made up.

As it is going for too long, our professor stops us and gives a dumb result being very diplomatic.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and walk back to my seat. Alex has a smug look as he sticks his tongue out and goes to his own seat.

It's a freaking debate, where there is no winning or losing. I couldn't help but think how childish he is.

After the class got over, Leah wanted to stay back to clear some doubt about the clash of her schedule. I was waiting silently outside.

I see, Alex talking with someone as he is sipping from his Starbucks cup. I am randomly scrolling through the phone as I feel someone stand next to me and peer into my phone. I close it instantly and look to my intruder and to my surprise it is Alex.

"So waiting for your girlfriend?"

I couldn't help but look around as I confirm indeed he is asking me the question as it is only two of us in the now vacant corridor.

I reply, "Excuse me?"

He smugly says, "You are excused!"

The feeling of punching and removing that smug look from his face, is increasing within me.

"What the hell are you blabbering now?"

"Why are you denying it bro, it's clear that you and Leah are a couple. You always wait for each other and I heard you guys are roommates too. So convenient right?"

I couldn't help but keep my mouth open and just stare at him, "You gotta be kidding, what's wrong with you? Agh! You are so annoying! Stop talking bullshit and just go do something useful!" I exclaim and stomp off.

Later that day, Leah asks me, why I was so annoyed and I explained her the situation. She too felt so disgusted.

Appearances are indeed deceptive.


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