Chapter 17

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I really hate myself, I shouldn't have been up till two am last night. I have an early class today. I want to skip it so badly. But my attendance will get fucked up.

I get up from my bed and go to the washroom very groggy and after doing my morning activities. I come to my closet, to decide what to wear today.

"Maya, I want to say you something?"
Leah says a bit to shyly.

I nod my head, but still I in my mind I was thinking should I do blue or black jeans today.

"Zach proposed me last night! And I said yes!" She exclaims and starts giggling.

I just turn in lightening speed and look at her with my eyes wide open.

"Girl, are you serious?"

She nods her head shyly and goes back into her closet.

"Wow, that was totally unexpected." I say. Then she peeps her head out with raised eyebrow.

I continue, "I mean, like how? Did he call you or via text?"

"He asked me in snap text!" She giggles again.

I am so confused, like what. I mean we are the new gen, but still, proposing via Snapchat. Not so romantic in my liking.

But seems like Leah is happy about it, so be it.

I smile and then say, "Bro, it's so cool though, he was your first crush here right?"

She smiles and replies, "Yeah! I said him that too, it seems he liked me for a while. He kind of wanted to ask me out on our little trip last month it seems."

Woah! That's not a new information, I mean that entire day they were pretty cozy. But still, something doesn't feel right.

Ok, now it's just weird. It seems Zach said Leah mustn't say about their relationship to anyone. Except us of course. It seems he wants some time.

I mean it makes sense to an extent, he is a pretty introverted guy. But keeping a relationship in silence. You know what I must not comment on these stuff, cause I have no fucking clue about this shit.

Noah's expression is very questionable, he is very surprised and seems a little tense too.

He says, "Woah Leah! Wow that's nice. Good for you guys!"

He is smiling but it just is not his normal genuine one. I mean I might be reading too much into it.

Zoey is very eleated, she is literally jumping with joy. I kind of feel like a sore thumb now, cause both of them are in a relationship.

Plus, Valentine's Day is nearing too. So it's just very depressing in my life currently.

"We have to see that movie, it's lit."
Zoey screams.

"But Z, it's very thriller kinda not my cup of tea." Leah says as she is painting her nails.

"I am in!" I say

"That's my girl! Ok so let's book the tickets. I asked everyone, all said no. So it's going to be only you, Sebastian and me."

Wait, wait. What?

"The fuck!" I exclaim.

Both of them pause their activities and look at me. I don't swear so much in the public. So I understand their shocked expression.

"I mean what? Why him?" I ask

"Cause he wants to join us and also he wants to watch that movie." She says as a matter of fact.

"Ok whatever! So Leah are you serious you don't want to join us. What you are going to do all alone?" I ask.

She smiles shyly, she is kind of doing that a lot off lately.

"Zach actually asked me out to dinner tomorrow."

Zoey and I, coo her for that. And as usual she gets shy. She is being a lot in her phone too, these days. This is their first date to be honest. I mean they have been dating only for two days. But still.

"So Z, I am booking the tickets, three only right?"

"Yes boss!" I smile at that.

After booking it, I send it to Sebastian and Zoey.

Sebastian, calls immediately.

"Hello?" I say

"Hello, what the hell did you send me?"

I get taken a back for a second.

"What are you talking about, I sent you the movie ticket."

"Stupid, I know that. But why did you send it to me."

"Excuse me, you are stupid. Zoey said you are coming with us to the movies tomorrow."

"Yeah! But I also said, Abigail and her friends will be joking us too. So where are there tickets."

"What the fuck? Sebastian, first I didn't know that Abigail would be joining us. Secondly, I am not doing a charity business over here. You both actually have to pay me the ticket money. If she wants to join us along with her friends, she can book too. She has her phone right?"

"Woah May, chill! Ok I will send her the seat number. Was there any free seats around us."

"I don't know, ask her to see for it. You know what Sebastian, if you want come. If not just don't. I will ask someone else to join us. Ok bye!"

I cut the call and throw my phone on the bed.

Zoey and Leah are looking at me with wide eyes, I roll my eyes and get out of the room.

I don't even know, why I agreed to this at first place. Now we are standing under the fucking sun for one hour now. Abi and her gang are taking their sweet time to get ready. Daniel is joining us too.

"Why did you book the front row seats, I mean like the back row was empty it seems." Sebastian asks

"See, if you want to sit in the back with Abi, go ahead. Who is stopping you, ask Daniel and switch seats. I don't think so he will be whiny like you."

Zoey stands there giving puppy dog eyes to both of us.

"Guys, please. After so many days we all have come out. So let's just not argue and chill." Zoey pleads.

We both nod our heads.

Finally the girls arrive and we take two Ubers. On the way, Zoey asks, "Sebastian, it's high time. Can you please let us know what is going on between you and Abigail?"

In this car, there is Daniel, Sebastian, Zoey and I. So I ask, "I know right! What's the tea?"

He shakes his head and says, "I will tell later."

We both whine and finally he gives in and says, "I mean it's pretty clear that I like her right."

I just felt like cold water is being poured over me. I get rigid for a second, Zoey notices it.

I conceal it and say, "Wow Sebastian, I mean few days back. You said no, for the same question. Then how are we supposed to figure it out."

He sheepishly smile.

Daniel flicks his head and then says, "You sneaky bastard! You didn't say it to us guys too."

"I mean, what to say. It was yesterday, night only we both said we like each other. That's why. I didn't say it to anyone till then. I am saying now aren't I."

We all nod our heads and we start talking about something else. Only one thought rings in my head, once again the shit happens.


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