Chapter 9

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Zoey came up with an amazing idea to go for lunch outside. We are having an exam day after tomorrow, this girl is literally something else.

Everyone kind of backed off, only people who agreed are, Leah, Noah, Daniel, Sebastian and myself.

Chloe has been acting a bit weird these days. Don't know why, but she has been, anything related to Noah especially. She has become very possessive over him. Initially we thought it is in a sisterly way. But according to my observations it seems to be something else.

When I voiced these thoughts to Leah and Zoey, they too agreed. But still we can't exactly put a finger on it. Cause Noah is not looking for a romantic relationship. But we can't say, I have a feeling Chloe maybe has some feelings.

Chloe and Noah had some petty argument which was too childish, that I didn't even pay heed. So now we are walking to the restaurant.

I couldn't help but think, is my anger even justified.Jessica who was actually the one who got affected itself is so chill and is talking to him freely. Creating a fight for no reason when I am not directly affected made me feel a little petty.

So when Noah said something about his crush and when Sebastian started showing pictures of her, I couldn't help but to join the conversation.

Maybe my curious self wanted to know who is that girl he is smitten on. Or it also could be I really wanted to talk with him.

We are now eating our food and taking some selfies. After a good meal, we said our bye's and went to our dorms.

That's when Leah showed me the pictures, Zoey and herself took without anyone seeing. It was when he was showing the photos and explaining each of them to me.

It's funny how the picture came out so good, we were both sitting so close. I had a laugh on my face and he looked at me sincerely.

Today is the charity stall day. It's raining so heavily. So the number of people who are coming is very less than what we anticipated. Thank god this year they planned for an indoor event.

Our stall was the busiest and hot one. We made the maximum collection. Liam is truly a wizard when it comes to mixing and making the drinks.

Chloe was of no help, she just left out with Noah, saying some lame excuse. Though Liam and I had a very great time. When it comes to work, he is very professional unlike Sebastian.

I don't know why I am comparing him to that loser. But I just couldn't help it when I see him start walking towards our stall along with Noah.

"Liam seems like you have attracted quite the crowd?" He asks teasingly.

Liam rolls his eyes and replies, "It may be who can deny it I am so sexy."

I just hit him playfully on his response and say, "It's not because of that, we are just making very tasty mojitos. Want to try some?"

They both shrugged their shoulders and was standing still. I couldn't help but ask, "Hmm, money?"

"Oh Maya, we are friends we need some concession." Noah tells playfully.

I just start mixing a drink for another person who actually paid.

That's when I see a hand in front of my face with the cash I asked for. Knowing it's Sebastian's, I take it and then ask them, "What can I get for you boys?"

That's when, Sebastian looked at me weirdly for sometime, I couldn't help but think there is something on my face.

"Maya did you put makeup?"
He starts smirking after his comment.

I simply shrug my shoulders and start making the mojitos which Noah asked for.

I was trying my level best not to start smiling like a crazy person at his comment, cause even though it had a teasing undertone. He saw me differently for the first time.

After the closing of the function, we are walking back to the dorm. It is still raining so we are sharing the umbrellas.

We are in the practice now, the show being literally in two weeks, work is going on full zeal.

Currently Zoey and Leah's scene is being enacted by them in front of Sam.

That's when a really tall muscular guy enters, I couldn't help but ask, "Sebastian, do you know that guy?"

He looks where I am looking to and replies, "Yeah! His name is George. Why are you asking that now?"

"He actually looks nice, is he single?"

Sebastian gives me a questioning look then says, "I mean I don't know, but seriously, George? He is in senior year."

I tell, "So, did you look at his arms."

He rolls his eyes and says, "You gotta look at his teeth."

I gave him a look then say, "Are you kidding me?Have you seen how your nose is?"

He suddenly gets very conscious and become very defensive, "Yeah yeah! You are an aunty right! Your taste will be like that only."

I get so angry; "Seriously! That's your comeback!"

"Whatever aunty!"

I just roll my eyes and leave it.

The next day, I go up to him and sit down with a huff.

"Woah! Seems like some one is a bad mood!"

I sigh loudly.

"Hey! What's the matter Maya?"

I turn to him and whisper, "George is in a relationship." After that I pout and look at him.

He starts laughing so loudly that I hit him, as people started looking towards our side.

"Seriously, Maya! That is why you were so sad?"

I just pout more and cross my hands.

"My god, Maya look at me, there are a lot other guys in this world ok! Don't worry! You will get your guy soon!"

I couldn't help but melt a little at the sincerity in his voice.

I just smiled and nodded my head, he gave me a genuine smile and went back to his work.

Currently, Leah and Sebastian's scene is being enacted in front of Sam and Rachal.

I walk towards a alone Liam who is playing in the piano. Seems like he is checking the sound or something.

I just say a hi and sit next to him.

He gives me a nod and goes back to his work.

I ask, "What are you doing all alone? Where is the rest of the band?"

He shrugs and throws the wires on the ground with a huff and says, "The rest are having exams tomorrow. I thought because of that the practice will be cancelled but that idiot Sam, asked me to come and play for him my part. As if he knows something about music."

I had nothing to say to that, cause it is indeed very sad. I just give him a small smile and nod my head in understanding.

Then he starts playing something on the piano, it seemed very familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it.

He asks me, "Guess the song?"

I try for a minute then I give up and ask him to say it.

He laughs and exclaims, "It's Perfect by Ed Sheeran!"

That's when it strikes me and I scratch my head feeling a little embarrassed. After that we were playing for some more time. I couldn't help but notice the wrinkle in the corner of his eyes. Or when he was laughing so loudly. The entire hall looked at him, but he was so carefree.

It felt good, I think it is that day I started seeing him differently.


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