Chapter 16

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The dance competition is in like a month and it seems like here it's given very much importance. So when I heard Leah joining I was confused at first, cause she has never ever danced before on stage.

Her group consists of a mix of students from various years, from our year there is Daniel, Alex, Noah, Sebastian and Zach. Zoey is in another group along with Chloe and Jessica. I don't do dance so I didn't join any team. Plus I was not approached too by any of the teams.

One day after a practice, Leah comes running into the room.

"Maya!! Do you know what happened today?"

I raise my eyebrows and she continues, "Sebastian asked about our trip pictures, and you know he was zooming you in all the pictures, he even commented you look cute in one of the picture." She starts giggling and runs off to say Zoey.

I just can't understand Sebastian, what is he doing man? They say girls are difficult to comprehend but look at this stupid idiot of a guy who is giving me mixed signals.


The sports event also slowly rolls in and Alex pretty much won all the titles. He is a literal beast on field. He is giving us a treat and now we are in a diner and I couldn't help but notice Abigail and Sebastian being too close. They both are so handsy and I voice it to the girls, Leah says, "Actually it has been like this since the practice started."

I nod my head and just control my anger and observe them. Its very evident something is going on between them both.

Alex is now dancing along with Noah in from of our booth to some song playing the radio, I am just laughing and recording them. Sebastian slowly comes up to me and says, "Hey looking at Alex huh?"

I roll my eyes and look at him, he is smirking and leaning against the table.

Something clicks in me and I tell, "Oh yeah like how you and Abi is very close right?"

He immediately starts shaking his head no, "No no, nothing like that, we are just friends!"

I mumble, "Yeah, yeah whatever!"


Finally, the day of dance comes in, I have been waiting for this day for a while to be honest. I don't know I think it may be because, all of my friends were busy in it and I couldn't talk with them and be with them. I felt so left out and lonely. Leah is getting very famous in the campus too and also she has been texting like crazy with Zach since the little trip.

She claims that she ended everything with Nathan, but he is still giving her long looks anytime he sees her.

Them being in the same dance group has not helped it either.

The dances are all over, Zoey's group wins the title, I go along with them to the success party. But I just felt so left out. All the people are asking me take photos of them and none with me.

My dull mood gets noticed by only Zach, he asks me about it but I just smile and tell him its nothing.

I become more sad as the time passes by and neither Leah nor Zoey come up to me, also Sebastian says a mean thing, which makes me so sad.

"Hey Maya! What are you doing here, you were not part of the competition!" to which Abi also shakes her head and laugh too. What made me feel more sad is that he said that in front of a lot of people, which is very rude.

But still, my stupid lonely ass, is still not able to get angry at him.

Also, I have totally confirmed my suspicion, about Abi and Sebastian, Zach and Noah have been teasing them both like crazy all day now.

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