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"So yeah, he opened the door for me! Also, he was standing till I entered. Can you believe it!" I exclaim to Leah.

Leah gleams, "Maya, he is totally into you!"

I roll my eyes, "Seriously! He might have done out of chivalry maybe?"

I shrug my shoulders, trying to be modest, but internally, I am screaming with joy. Keeping a calm collected face, we both start walking towards his class.

"Tell me why I agreed to this stupid plan, again?" I ask, looking at her kind of second guessing our plan.

"Because you are missing him, duh! Let's see what he is doing in his class. Come fast, before the bell rings for the next period." Leah tells as a matter of fact.

I bite my lips as I couldn't openly agree to it, but I give out a small smile as I start thinking about him.

Leah peeps into the class and before I could go in. She turns and starts dragging me in the opposite direction.

Being confused with her action, I start resisting and because I am more bigger than her, she halts.

I give her a questioning glance. But she simply shrugs her shoulders. Clearly, thinking, she is out of her mind. I wiggle out of her timid grip and start walking towards the class, not even paying heed to her pleas.

As I walk in, I remember the plan to stay cool and calm, and just go to my friend and talk about the biology project.

But as I go in, the first thing I see is that there is a girl sitting on his lap! He was putting her behind her ears. They just looked like they were in their own dreamland. I just couldn't believe my eyes. For a few seconds, I was looking at them and my conscious kicks in as I look away frantically finding for my friend trying to be as subtle as possible. Though I could feel my heart slowly breaking inside.

As my eyes land on her, I start waving my hand to get her attention, she sees me and she starts walking towards me. Mindlessly, we talk for five minutes. With the bell blaring, I walk towards my class with my head held low. Leah's comforting words were going over my head.

All that was continuously ringing in my head was, 'He got into a relationship'.

The guy who I had a crush on for two years is in a relationship, this made me start to wonder.

How long actually he was in the relationship?

Was I crushing on a guy who already had a girl?

These thoughts were making me mentally sick. A small voice in my brain tells, 'Told you so Maya, your crushes always are or get into relationship!'


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