Chapter 18

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The movie was great, but the dinner sucked. Cause Abi and Sebastian sat together. We played the stupid truth or dare.

Where he confessed he likes Abigail in front of all.

I just became to silent and distant since his declaration back in the car.

I am done, I actually feel like crying surprisingly.

Zoey has joined the rest of the others and is making fun of them both to together. I just can't bring myself to do like the others. So I remain quiet.

As usual no one notices my weird behavior, cause it's normal for them. What hurted me was that Zoey, who know about everything. Few days, back she was even very angry at Abi. But now she is laughing and teasing along with her.

I really need new friends.

Second part of the exams have started, it's another three intense fucking days of exams. Then happiness for the rest of the month.

My exam is getting over rightly on the Valentine's Day. So it's fun.

There is another weird thing, it's Leah.

She has been awfully silent and sad. She has not been as cheerful as before. I mean it has been like what four days since they are dating.

For so much that Zach didn't wanted anyone to know about it, Chloe seems like she already knows about it and is openly making fun of them both.

I mean I wouldn't blame her, they are being very friendly and close.

But still, Leah is too silent after her outings with him. And yesterday, she even sat next to me and asked, "Maya, am I doing something wrong?"

I really couldn't answer the question. I said some stupid shit. But it didn't seem like it made a difference.

Cause now I am awaken from my nap, by a crying Leah. I get up to see a confused and sad Zoey too.

I rub my eyes and mumble a hi to Zoey.

Zoey says, "Leah, do you want to tell her your decision."

I get alarmed up by that sentence and look up at Leah.

"I want to break up with Zach."


"Leah! Are you serious? You guys just started dating it's like what, five days."

"It's four, but still, I don't feel right. It's just I feel like I am doing something wrong to my parents."

See, I am not any expert. But when someone is speaking bullshit I get that.

So I nod my head slowly and just look at her.

She continues, "Also, I think I am in love with Noah!"

"What???" I couldn't help but exclaim.

Zoey too gives her a confused look.

"I know, it sounds so dumb and weird. But it is what it is. I have always liked him since the beginning. And we became so close with our chats and all. I just can't see anyone other than him like that."
She completes with a sob.

Zoey starts rubbing circles in her back and she looks at me.

I am just in loss of words, like what is wrong with this girl. Last month it was Nathan and this month it's Zach. What is he thinking she is doing . I could see even Zoey is getting a little angry.

"You know right, Noah is not looking for a relationship." I say slowly.

She nods her head wiping her tears.

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