Happily ever after

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I still remember the good old days from our college times, when I used to be super conscious of myself in front of people in general. I always hide behind baggy and loose clothes.

But even if I did, there were times when I used to sit in a haste, my shirt would get tight around my tummy and it will be displayed to everyone to see. Eventhough I am the only one in the room, I used to still always pull my shirt out in the front so that it won't stick close to my body.

But I don't know why, but when I was around certain someone all these meaning less thoughts and inhibitions disappeared.

I would sit comfortably and not have a care in the world what he might think. My mind used to say, it's best if he knows your worst now itself as in the future he will be accustomed to my extremes.

I used to always think about it all the time, when I was with Sebastian, I always show my goofy side even if I don't want to. I used to brush it off thinking it was my coping up mechanism to soothe down my nerves. This was even before we started seeing each other, I would say I started feeling like this around him two to three months of knowing him.

But as years passed by and now being tangled up in the sheets with him. I am wearing a age old crop black top that is faded and looks more like a grey color. A shorts that is too loose, as the elastic has given away years ago.

Makeup from last night still on my face as we were in a hurry from last night. To all my conservative readers out there yes, I am meaning that we were doing the deed last night.

My hair is whole different story, I am sure bird's nest would be put to shame. But still then, my lover boy wakes me up from my deep slumber with light feathery kisses and is looking at me, like I am the most prettiest girl in the whole wide universe.

I guess this was the reason why back in the days too, I just felt too comfortable around him. I used to be a uptight kid, wanting to be in control and act all mature when everyone jokes around.

But there were times I let it loose, but since my image was already set up. People used to always give me weird looks and joke at my sudden change in attitude. To be honest I can't and won't blame them for that, cause according to them that's who Maya is. I rarely show out my crazier side, even with my close group of friends some days I just remain silent and observe.

But Sebastian used to always look at me in awe and always catche up my minor slip ups and used to always praise it to the people around. First few times I really thought he was just being observant as I am and he is just being a good friend. Till date I don't know was that his romantic language or that is who my Sebastian is. But either way, never once when he pointed it out, my heart didn't forget to skip a beat.

Even today to date, he is caressing my face and whispering sweet yet dirty things into my ear. I playfully hit him and roll over to get out, that's when his arms circle around my waist and I clash against his chest. The sudden movement gives out a weird noise out of my mouth, followed by my very unladylike laugh.

Which yet again doesn't get unnoticed by Mr. Loverboy. He turns me and as I lay over his chest, hearing to his soft yet increasing heartbeat, which is a music to my ears. But I am confused, usually it will be a steady beat, but now he seems nervous for some unknown reason. Before I could look up to his face.

He whispers, "I would really love to have a child running around laughing out like you!"

I suddenly look up from his chest and that's when I see the sincerity in his eyes and how serious he is.

I mean we have talked about having kids, but it was always a thing in the future. Like in few years, we never put a date, but also never really talked about it in a serious way.

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