Chapter 7

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November rolls in no time, exams were happening almost all the time. Our outings reduced a lot.

Finally, the talks of Christmas play starts being the highlight of everyone. Here in this university, they take so much pride in setting up the Christmas play and the charity stall connected to it.

Our junior year is the one in charge, they are conducting the auditions, along with some interested professors.

I love acting so much, I have got a lot of prizes in them during my school time. It's like one thing, I really love doing. Being on the stage and delivering the dialogues, has always been my favorite thing to do.

When I heard about the auditions I was super excited.

"Maya, what are you thinking about? You are having your thinking face on!" Zoey asks waiting for my reply.

"It's about the play, tomorrow is the auditions right? I can't wait for it!" I exclaim.

She laughs and says, "Oh yeah! It is, I am really looking forward to see your acting skills, Micheal has been saying about it too. He is taking care of the advertisement and the tech work of the show."

I nod my head and look up to Leah, she is sprawled on the bed. With her smile, I guess she is chatting with Noah.

I retire early to bed that night.

"Maya, right?"
I nod my head clutching my phone, which has the dialogues written.

It seems there is only four places, in which one of them is a male elf character.

Being super stressed as some of them real did so well. The panel of selectors are actually a mix of some faculty and juniors.

"Which role are you hear for?"

I smile and reply, "The angel or the grandma role."

"Oh I am sorry to say the angel role have already been filled. Ok go on read the grandma dialogues"

My heart sinks a little, because I really wanted the role of angel, grandma was more of a back up plan.

I take a deep breath and start doing the part. As I look up, they all are smiling. The junior guy, says, "Thank you Maya, we will let you know in a short while. Please wait back in your seat."

After several other performances, the other girl junior there, those are the in-charges of this program. I see her getting the mic and say, "Thanks to all of you who has taken their time and gave your auditions. We really didn't expect these many interested people. But I am glad that we found are people, the main small girl's role is for Leah. Then the grandma role is being done by myself. Elf role is for Sebastian. Thumbelina role is for Zoey. Lastly, angel role is for Sarah. Once again, thank you all. You may leave now."

My heart is in literal pieces, I couldn't believe my ears. All of my friends are in the play. Jessica and Chloe are part of the dance troop. Liam is in the band.

I am so devastated is an understatement, with my head held low. I didn't want to be so sad, cause my friends got the part too.

So I kept a smile on and congratulated them all. Sebastian gave me a smile and said thanks.

I really thought we all could work together, for sure I would have become close to him. But now I am going to be such a loner.

That evening, the girl incharge came up to me and said, "Hey, you did it really well, but it's just that your expressions were not that great. Your voice modulation is great though!"

She patted my shoulders and left. I couldn't help but mentally smack at myself, cause it is actually my mistake. I gave more concentration on the voice modulation rather than the actual acting important, is expression.

Days passed by, they were talking about having their first meeting. I am really sad, if I would be given another opportunity I would truly prove myself. But I think opportunity strikes only once.

My phone pinged signaling a message, when as I opened it I couldn't believe it. I am actually added to the group chat of the play. There is a list of characters, I am playing the aunt role of Joseph.

I literally started jumping with joy, when confused Leah asks, "Hey Maya!What happened?"

I show her my phone and she too gives a big smile and we hug. Zoey suddenly opens our door open and starts jumping too. That's when I thought, even they were sad when I didn't get a part in.

There is another ping it read we are supposed to be in the main hall in next ten minutes for our first meeting.

Being ecstatic, we get ready and head out.

The guys couldn't make it, due to their sports practices. New information is that Alex, Noah, Zach and Daniel are also part of the play.

They are during the Roman soldiers roles.

The in-charges start explaining about the costumes and script. We are being given the entire script. My roles as well as of Mary and Joseph are all a part of the story being narrated. We will have the audio playing in the back from already recorded play video.

I am a little disappointed as I really like talking. Also, lip syncing is very hard skill to master. A small error can make the entire show look so bad.

The guy incharge whose name I came to know is Sam is kind of a perfectionist. So he is stressing that, a small slip up and he will personally kill us all and himself.

The threat is really a bit scary, but I couldn't help laughing at his action.

I started to get knowing the other cast. They all are so sweet, most of them are from my year.

On the whole, it's going to be a very long month of intense practices. They are starting literally tomorrow from 4 o clock to 8 o clock, everyday except Sundays and Saturdays.

The boys wouldn't be joining us for the initial few days, as they have to get some official permission or something from the sports incharge.

All the high talks, are making me giddy and the feeling of to be back on stage is making me ecstatic.

Hopefully next time the guys could join us it would be truly fun at that time.


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