Chapter 25

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He takes me to our college football ground, I was so confused of the choice of location. But I didn't say anything.

I placed my heavy bag on the bleachers and took a seat, I thought he would next to me. But he sits a row behind me, he legit jumps, goes and sits there.

I again remain quiet and look at my phone, praying why is no one calling me or messaging me. I think so my parents have forgotten about me. I don't want to start with my sister, that bitch didn't talk to me for a month now, what sister does that.

When I was lost in my thoughts, I hear him speak, "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Drop the cliche dialogues dude, tell me the matter. I have lots of things to do after I go back to dorm." I say with my straight face, I am turning in a weird way and sitting. My neck started to hurt already.

"Yeah right? We share the same classes remember? Don't tell lies Maya it doesn't suit you!" He tells and funnily punches my shoulder.

I smile at that and say, "Oh sorry, that's your trade mark right!"

He looks down chuckling; "I think I deserve that."

Eventhough he had a smile on his lips, but his eyes looked distant and hurt. Maybe I struck a wrong chord. But I really don't care to be honest.

"Maya, ask me anything that is bothering you so far. I will be honest and answer them spontaneously." He looks at me, again with the same expression of despair and hopelessness.

"I think it's you who have to do the questioning and talking, cause I am really done Sebastian. I am to be honest, all these months of self doubt and hate I had. Thinking I am not good enough." I stop cause I couldn't talk anymore, I was chocking on my own words.

I couldn't even face him, I felt so vulnerable and hurt.

He places his hand on top of my shoulder, that's when I look up, "I am extremely sorry Maya, I know I cannot suffice just saying sorry. But please give me another chance I will prove to you. I am worth it for you."

I remain silent looking down.

"Ok, I will tell you what happened. So it all started from our practice to the Christmas play. Before that, I was seeing you just like how I saw Leah, Chloe and all. But, I don't know something clicked in me, I am sure even you felt it. All those days, we sat back bickering about Sam and Rachal. You teaching me how to act. Also I was blown away by your amazing acting skills. I started noticing all the small things you did from then. I still have the photos saved of the crazy selfies you and Zoey took the other day when I left my phone. From the way you just stop talking when someone upsets you, you take a deep breath and then talk to them as if nothing affected you. The way you used to give 'I don't care' attitude towards all those people you hate, but you don't want to give the benefit of showing that their actions hurt you. The way you put your tongue out so cutely when you are doing some serious business." He stops, takes my hand and enclose with his big hands.

I didn't know when I started to cry, he take his hands and wipes the tears away, and hold my face in his hands.

Looking straight into my eyes, "I don't when exactly it happened, but I for sure know one thing for sure. From then my thoughts were all about you and only you. I started feeling jealous when other guys started talking to you, when they were making you smile. I used to think, that is my job. I am supposed to make you smile. I have to say a big thanks to Noah as well, cause before I could comprehend my feelings it was him who told me. That day when he causally threw into the conversation asking you that you had a crush on me. My heart was beating so fast looking at your expression. It was so cute the way you looked all around but with confidence you said next. But your blush gave it away and I helped you out of the situation by saying Sam's name. That was the day I confirmed it was not only me, you are feeling some stuff too."

Maya's crushWhere stories live. Discover now