Chapter 12

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It's a free weekend, finally!

Chloe and Jessica have dance practice sadly. Daniel and Liam weirdly gave some dumb excuses like have to learn, something like that. That puts Noah, Sebastian, Leah, Zoey and I all free.

So we have decided to be low key and just spend some time in the nearby beach. It's a three mile walk, but since the climate is so lovely. We have decided to walk all the way, normally we take an Uber.

As usual we are very early and waiting for the boys to come. After like waiting for 15 minutes, they both walk towards the gate, taking their own sweet time. The time being close to noon and that none of us ate anything from the morning. We are all so cranky.

The sun is shining brightly and we are getting so dehydrated. Once we start to smell the ocean air, I run towards a small shop which makes cold drinks. We all had our drinks in less than five minutes. After that, it is pure bliss. We start playing in the water. Noah and Sebastian swim around. This beach is kind of not very popular and mostly students from our campus only come here. It is so empty and it only us here. We play some football, in which I sucked totally.

Also, when I was in the ocean, I got a random cut which is now profusely bleeding. To be honest, I came to know about the cut only after Sebastian said. We are now taking some pictures, I got my new phone, Iphone 11 pro max, I didn't want to make it dirty so I kept in in clear case and placed it in the bag.

Sebastian runs upto me and asks, "Hey Maya, where is your phone let's take some pictures."

I shake my head no and exclaim, "No, it's my new phone. Take in your phone right!"

He mumbles something under his breath.

I also wanted to check if I got any calls so after wiping it in a towel. I take it and we start clicking some selfie.

As Leah and I pose for the photo that was like the first time I saw myself after I came to the beach. My hair is all frizzy and is sticking to my forehead and neck. I looked completely tanned. It seemed like it got sun burnt in some areas.

I looked so terrible; actually Leah also looked a bit bad too. Her mascara is running down her face. But we all just looked so happy and smiling I didn't delete the photos. All of a sudden, Sebastian's phone rings and he leaves saying his roommate is calling him to go for the movies.

I got a little sad, as after so many days we got to celebrate quality time just five of us. But literally when it comes to anything related to his roommate he immediately leaves us and goes. Actually there is one thing he is really good at and that is to leave us hanging when we need him to be around.

We all are now so hungry and being so less in cash we think of going to a cheap Chinese place near the beach. The food is delicious here, we ordered chicken fried rice, dragon chicken and some chicken dumplings. Now we are so full and we are laughing to some random joke Zoey cracked.

I am very tired, but Leah and Zoey have some other ideas. Zoey whines, "Maya, let's spend some time just walking around. Please!!"

Leah also joins and says, "Yes May, Please! We can just hang out in our secret spot. It will be so much of fun."

Noah is giving puppy eyes and is pouting too. I just shake my head and say, "Two hours maximum! Then I am outta her."


After three hours, the sun has even settled. But still we are clicking random pictures and selfies. We have been talking and laughing all this while. Seriously, I am in awe with the patience of Noah, these are two are kind of a handful. That's why most of the time I like to spend by myself. But he wontedly, stayed back and I am not complaining It's honestly the best spent hours.

We took a lot of snap photos and even posted some stories too. We are now replying in our group chat, who is asking us how long we are in the same place. Even Sebastian reached back the dorm. Now, it's completely dark and kind of all our charges have drained and we got very hungry too.

With smile on our faces, we go back to the dorm. As I was about to retire for the night, I get a message, Sebastian asking me to send the pictures from my phone. I tell him, I look like a shit, and send him one picture in which I didn't look like a ghost.

He then texts back, "Till I know, there were four photos we took in total."

I simply reply back, "Nope, that's it! GN"

I place my phone back on my table and sleep with a smile.


Next day, as the alarm is blaring. I switch it off and I see a notification reading I am tagged in Sebastian's story. I thought it some good group picture of us. But I go under a total shock when it's that one photo, I was praying no one should see that. He even wrote something with the picture.

It read, "When you tell me, you look like a shit. I have to post it. Sorry not sorry, Maya."

I really wanted to kill him today, I forward it to my sister and she starts sending laughing emoji and I roll my eyes and start thinking about various ways to kill him.

Today, I couldn't catch him in the university. So, when I entered the auditorium, seeing him laughing to something, truly aggravates me. I stomp towards him and say, "What the fuck dude?"

Knowing, what I am insinuating, he simply shrugs his shoulder.

I sit next to him with a huff, I say, "You know what my sister said about the picture, she was like to say to you that I will be forever a single. Cause of that stupid picture,"

He shakes his no and replies, "Do you even know, how many replied to my stories."

I roll my eyes and reply, "All were mocking me right!"

He nods his head, but after he sees my dead glare. He gulps and says, "Either way people know you are beautiful, everyone has bad pictures. Don't worry gal!"

I couldn't help but I hear actually skipped a beat as he said that. He indirectly called me beautiful. I just shrug my shoulders and say, "Either way, keep your eyes wide open and sleep, I am out to get you ok!"

He gives out of a loud laugh and goes back to talking with Noah.

Seriously I can't stand angry with him, for more than few hours. Even in that case, I have to really try so hard. Feeling like this towards him is kind of scaring me, cause I have gotten all my red flags up. He is definitely seeing me as nothing more than a good friend. But, somewhere my heart says otherwise.


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