Chapter 6

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Chloe called us again on Friday, to go out to a diner close to our campus.

I am surprised, how Leah actually agreed that she will come for sure. Even Zoey said ok, it seems Micheal gave his permission. I still can't believe her brother's permission was so important to her.

Actually, it is no surprise that they both agreed to come. Lately, Leah and Zoey have become real close. Leah spends more time in Zoey's room rather thang ours. I am not complaining as I actually like some alone time to myself.

What I don't like about both of them is that they both are super lazy and they bunk classes by saying random reasons.

Both of their attendance is also kind of becoming low, but they are not taking it seriously. Also I like to go to the class early and get a decent seat. Whereas these both always come to class super late and always sits in the back.

It is childish of me to be thinking like this, but I just don't like their 'I don't give a damn' attitude.

Being cute and carefree, both have started becoming famous around the campus.

Since all of this is very new to Leah, she has been not herself lately. I mean she was always a social animal. But her carefree attitude is making me a little worried.

She rarely calls back home too, my parents ask about her. And they ask me to tell her to call her folks. Sometimes I feel like I am taking care of a toddler.

When she gets sick, she becomes such a big baby and make fuss about anything. When she whines and shit, the guys actually like it and show their concern and attention to her.

Which is the main reason, I think she sometimes fakes being sick.

Pushing all these thoughts, in the back of my mind. I start getting ready by wearing a flowery top and blue jeans. Leah is dressed in simple T-shirt and jeans. Zoey is wearing a cute short blue summer dress.

I couldn't help but feel a little insecure, they both looked so beautiful even though they didn't even break a sweat. Whereas I straightens my long hair, fixed it in a high pony. Wore some light makeup, concealing all the acne scars.

But I still looked like I really tried too hard, but I am looking like a sac of potato. Looking at the mirror for sometime, I hear Leah says that it getting late.

We reach the place where the party is happening. It's a small restaurant, I heard someone from our class's dad's place it is.

Looking around the small candles and wood as the main choice of furniture. It is a cozy and comfortable place.

We take our seats in one of the table and start ordering in. This is when Chloe and the gang enters. The thing is, after the trip to outside, I was so busy with the classes that I didn't talk with any of them.

Seeing her there, I couldn't help but give out a smile as I see her looking around the place.

She looks at me and instantly beams up and starts walking towards our table. I give heads up the girls. We decided it would be better if Leah acted as if she didn't know about the crush of Noah.

That's when my eyes land on Sebastian, seeing him after so many days. My heart soars up but thinking that he is also joining the list of my past crushes. It is killing me inside. But with a smile, I get up and hug Jess and Chloe. I wave to the guys as they take their seats.

Leah and Zoe are sitting on my either sides and Sebastian and Noah are sitting opposite to us along with Liam. Chloe and Jessica take up extra chairs and joins in.

That's when Daniel enters the restaurant, Jessica immediately shouts his name and he too joins our table.

Out of nowhere, questions were being asked and in  no time we were laughing at some stupid jokes and impressions from Liam. Daniel too, shared some funny experiences of his.

I came to know that Zoey is actually a good dancer and has won couple of competitions locally. A big shock is that Sebastian songs really well, he sang couple of songs for us. I couldn't help but start falling for his angelic voice. I took a video of him singing and tagged him and posted a story on my instagram.

We are actually having a really good time. We eat and share our foods. Jokes and teases were already being passed on and we started having our own inside jokes.

After hundreds of pictures and being completely full with the delicious food and drinks. We started walking back to our dorm instead of taking the Uber.

The campus is three blocks away, but the climate is so good that we decided to take a walk.

Somehow, Sebastian and I started walking together. We were now walking a dark street. I couldn't help but voice out my fears. Sebastian is the first one to start joking that, any random animal or person can come out of nowhere.

When I tried to put a brave face on and said back, "Whatever, we are a huge group of people. No one can do anything to us!"
I couldn't help but give out a yelp when a cat jumped and ran in front of me.

Sebastian started laughing so loudly and everyone joined him. I couldn't help but crack up too. His laugh is very contagious to be honest.

I even notice that, Zoey and Leah are very much liked by the group. Even though this is their first time with the group. Definitely they both are more social and outgoing, unlike me.

But somewhere I felt a little jealous, of seeing their progress with the group is better than my own. Zoey became super close with Sebastian, I am kind of relieved she is in already a steady relationship with someone.

But, they both are already hitting each other and pulling their legs. That's when I started questioning my non existent social skills.

Also, Noah and Leah have finally come out of their initial held backs and now are talking and laughing. They even exchanged their numbers some where in the evening.

I mentally gave myself a note to ask her and him, what do they think about each other.

Days passed by, classes were taking our most of the time. I started chatting with Sebastian, it was so dumb. He replied to the tagged story. I also started chatting with Noah, I asked him about Leah. He confirmed that after talking with her he is sure, that he does not want anything more than friendship.

When I shared this to Leah, she was a little sad. But sobered up as she tells that they are chatting constantly and that he is very funny and sweet.

Also, Chloe created a group chat for us nine people. It was in the beginning to share only the photos we took that evening.

But now it has become our friends chat group, where people share memes and stupid jokes and random photos of our dorms and stuff like that.

It's a really new feeling for both, Leah and I as we were mostly a closed off people in school. At least Leah, had a social life.

I always talked with her and talked with others only if it was related to studies. It's so nice to have a group of real goofy people. Who I can actually call my friends. It's really unreal feeling.

As I am chatting with Noah, asking him to lay off as Leah is not doing her assignment, but is cracking up like a crazy person for some text he sent.

He immediately texts Leah bye. And tells that I told him to do so. I simply shrug my shoulders when Leah asks and she just huffs and gets to her work.

I smile and continue my work, thinking Noah is indeed a good guy.


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