Chapter 24

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The ride back to dorm was pretty uneventful, I went into the car where already the girls alone were in.

We were just chatting, sending pictures in our group and took more selfies. I really hoped the day would not end but back of my mind his confession is haunting me.

I can't look at Leah and Zoey the same way as before, and I have a feeling the other people know it as well.

Because when Sebastian asked for that dare to kiss him, all of them just sat there and stared at us.

Even when I denied it, Noah quickly spin the bottle and asked me to ask Zach as it landed on him.

All were so nonchalant about it, I just thought it was just a stupid dare, cause classic Sebastian and his stupidity.

But with the confession and also the way the girls just took me along with them when I came back after talking with him is weird.

They didn't even talk about it and also Leah and Zoe are avoiding being alone with me like a plague.

I went into my room along with Leah and she ran out in like two minutes with her showering stuff, not telling me even a word.

I removed my dress and dumped it into the laundry basket and quickly changed into my pajama. I skipped shower cause I was not in the mood. Removed of my makeup and did my skin care, I switched off my side lights and went into my blankets.

Leah was not back from her shower, she comes back pretty fast, but I was too drained out both emotionally and mentally. I feel asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

I got up to the morning with my annoying alarm blaring, switching it off without opening my eyes. I snuggle deep into my pillow when I hear Leah's voice ask, "Not getting ready for college?"

I mentally slap at myself because I forgot it is a week day and rush out to the washroom.

After completing my morning activities, I return back to my room, to my surprise Leah already left.

I looked at the time and I barely had ten minutes to get ready. I think I am going to skip breakfast today as well.

I wore a pink flare top with a high waisted jeans. I kept my hair open cause it was still wet from the shower. I put my contacts and then my sunscreen, I wear my converses and rush out with my bag and phone outside.

When I was standing for the lift, I looked down at my watch I have only three minutes left, I take the stairs and start running towards my class.

Good thing about leaving in campus, is how much ever I am late, I can enter the class from the back door and the professor can't even see that.

I sneak in silently and then to my luck there was only one vacant seat and it was next to Sebastian. I sit down and I can see him looking at me continuously through my entire settling time.

I say a quick hi to which he replied and turned his attention the the professor ignoring me for the rest of the class.

To be honest, I am not surprised by his actions, cause I would do the same if I was in his position as well.

After three hours of continuous lecture, I ran back to the cafeteria to order some coffee before the practicals start.

As I was waiting in the line, I can see Sebastian and Liam sitting in the benches and talking to none other than Abigail.

Rolling my eyes, I take my coffee and start walking outside, I sit outside in one of the benches under the tree. I open my phone and the messages flood in.

There were a lot from the group chat, ignoring that I go into the private chats.

Surprisingly there weren't any, I saw Leah and Zoey in class they were sitting next to each other. Both mouthed me hi, but that's all were their interaction with me so far.

I look at the time, I had like ten minutes to my next class, I put the now empty cup into the waste and start walking slowly to my next class.

The classes got over for the day, it was currently 4 o clock. Lunch was pretty much a lonely ride, I bought a sandwich and went back to my room.

I don't know but I feel like everyone is avoiding me. But not giving too much thought on that. I walk back to my dorm, that's when I see Sebastian standing out of my dorm gate.

Thinking he is waiting for someone more like Abigail, I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone.

"We need to talk!" He tells standing in front of me, blocking my way.

"Sorry, are you talking to me?" I ask sarcastically.

"Woman, you know it doesn't take me a second to drag you out somewhere!" He tells clenching his fist.

Ok I am little scared, but he looks quite funny when he is trying to control his anger though. This is a very new side of him, often he never expresses his emotions, he always covers it up with a laugh or a smile. Acting goofy and clueless is class Sebastian like activities.

But the dude in front of me, is quite opposite to who I thought he was, he looked helpless and in despair. He was looking around and up, praying something or someone will help him.

To put him out of his misery, I nod my head and point my hands in the front, "Lead the way!"

He smiles brightly and reaches to interlock my fingers to his, that's when I take a step back, and put my hands into my pocket.

He looks stunned and I tell in mind, 'Not so fast mister!'


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