Chapter 4

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"Hey did you see that green shirt dude!"
I ask Leah and Zoey.

They both shake their heads no.

"He looked good!" I exclaim.

"Really? I want to see him, where is he?" Leah asks.

Zoey just rolls her eyes, it's just that she is already in a relationship with a dude from her school tim. They have been in a relationship since sophomore year of high school. They are doing long distance now as he is in NYU. She has said and shown photos about him, they are so adorable together.

I laugh at their contrasting reactions and say, he went somewhere in the back and control her from looking at the backside creepily and tell her to focus on the class as the professor started his lecture.

We are put into small groups. I couldn't believe my stars. As that green shirt dude, is actually in my group. Being so happy, I am trying to be cool and try to strike up a conversation. Since it is about, team building and was a test to our teamwork. It was more of a task doing, rather than talking. We had no interaction the entire time.

But, he is so silent too. I think he didn't speak with anyone till now. I really wanted to know his name. I think I should start brushing up my detective skills.

It's lunch time now, we are sitting in the cafeteria.

Leah comes out of nowhere and slides in, Zoey and I, catch our hearts as we really did get scared for a second at her entry.

"Guys, you won't believe, I saw this handsome guy, his name is Zach Tyler. He was in my group. Isn't his name itself so sexy?"

I couldn't help but laugh at her playful side. As she goes on explaining about this guy who is from England and that his accent is, I quote her, "Totally irresistible!"

Zoey and I are actually intrigued how he looks after her rambling for ten minutes straight. She suddenly exclaims as she tells us that he is wearing blue shirt, and is now walking towards the serving area.

We both look immediately; to be honest. He did look good. With his small cropped black hair to his well fitted shirt. He looked decent. Not my type though.

My mind suddenly wanders to that green shirt dude, who looked really handsome and was so sweet. He had this curly hair with tanned skin and muscles clearly out and proud. His voice is deep but seems like a song when he talks.

Suddenly Zoey, hits my shoulder and motions me to look at the door. There he is walking and laughing as he entered the room. I was shocked to see not so many faces to be turned as he walked in. Cause when Alex walked in the entire cafeteria girls's eyes were on him. I slowly ask Leah to look at him.

She gives him one look and says, "Hmm yeah he does look good. But Zach...he is an eye treat."

I roll my eyes at her comment and start eating my lunch with occasional glances being thrown at his table as he was happily chatting and eating with his group of friends.

I thought, "Ooh, he is social!"

"Girls, it has been three days, three long days and still we didn't find the name of the green shirt dude! How?"

I huff and sit onto Zoey's bed. We are currently playing cards and lazing around in her room.

Leah exclaims, "Hey, they put out the sports list in the group chat today afternoon. You were telling that he plays basketball right?"

Yesterday, on my evening stroll; around the campus. I saw a very sweaty and sexy green shirt dude, who was actually in a tight red jersey. He looked hot is an understatement of the year. He looked like an absolute snack.

I couldn't help but nod my head as I open the group chat, to indeed see a list of
names of our year with their sports listed next to them. As we went through the list  we came to know Alex, plays soccer and that Zach too plays soccer. Daniel plays basketball it seems, it was no shock that he is playing it. But my eyes were frantically looking at various names of basketball people, some of them I knew, but there is this one name standing out, it is 'Sebastian Fernandez'. I pointed to that and exclaim, "I think I have found his name."

Leah and Zoey had questioning looks on their faces, but I simply nodded my head as I repeated the name, Sebastian Fernandez is the name of the green shirt dude.

We were on our way to our room, when I was stopped by this girl, her name is Chloe Stewart and she is actually from our school back in NYC. I was shocked when she recognized me, cause I literally shared one class with her and we barely talked to one another.

All I know about her is that she is extremely social and have heard rumors that she is bitchy and bossy. So I was a little skeptical when she stopped us.

She asks, "Hey! Since it's the weekend a couple of friends and I thought of heading into the city! Would you like to join us?"

I was shocked at her question, I was taking time to process it when Leah slips in and starts exclaiming with joy.

She says, "Sure, that's great! We have been waiting to go out of the campus for a while."

I nod my head with a smile, cause it was true. But I wanted to know who the coupled of  friends are, so I asked, "Who are the other people?"

"I am not sure, with the number it may increase I am asking around but for now, there is Jessica, Noah, Liam and Sebastian. Yeah and you both." She smiles as she completes.

I couldn't help but scream with joy internally as she said Sebastian's name. I asked her about the timings and we went back into the room and I was jumping with joy.

"Hey, hey cool down! We don't know still, the green shirt dude is Sebastian. Chill bro!"

I wave it off as I sink into my bed. Suddenly I exclaim, "Hey what about our parents?"

Leah's expression changed as if cold water was poured over her. The thing is that our both the parents are very caring and cautious about us that they asked us not to leave the campus at any cost. It seems Boston is a dangerous city!

I mean, that's what all parents say, so we both simply nodded when they stated. I just told her that because we had to come with a lie. But there she was sitting still as if she saw a ghost.

"Leah, what happened? Why is your face morphed into a very weird expression?"

"No! No! Maya! I don't think so I am going!" She frantically tells.

I just exclaim, "What the fuck?"

Leah sobers up by my swearing and continues, "Maya, my mom! She told me specifically not to go out. This seems wrong. I am not coming, you go if you want to."

"Are you sure Leah? It's just a simple outing."

She shakes her head no and turns as she switches off her light and sleeps.

I just stare at her for sometime and just think that she is truly bi-polar. How can a person be so happy and now is very sad in like an instant.

I take out my phone and text my sister, Vanessa about the little outing for tomorrow. She replies immediately.

"Have fun Maya! Be safe! Call mom and dad in the morning before you leave. To avoid random suspicion. Ok good night!"

I reply back, "Sure!"

With swirling thoughts of going out with Sebastian and finally interacting with him. I am so excited and literally can't wait for tomorrow.

Hello guys, these are the first four chapters. Hope you guys liked it.

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