Chapter 26

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I chuckle dryly at his attempt of humor at this time. But this is the Sebastian, I know.

The sun starts setting, that's when it strikes me, it has been two hours since we came here. I see the guys come up for the practice. Alexander and Zach wave us and we both wave back.

Alex comes up and says, "Fancy seeing you here, shorty! What's up, troubling poor Seb I see."

I roll my eyes, but before I could reply, Sebastian jumps and sits next to me, puts a hand over my shoulder and replies, "Nah bro we are just talking! Go have fun at the practice, I guess they are waiting for you!"

Alex laughs at this and puts his hand up and runs back to the field. I wiggle out of his grasp but it just tightens.

"Should we go elsewhere and speak?"
I roll my eyes at his sudden possessive nature and start walking.

Cause this time, I am the one choosing the place.

I quickly run back to the dorm and practically push him too, cause we both were in the college clothes and carrying heavy bags and walking like bunch of losers.

So I quickly change into a grey sweatpants and a burgundy long sleeved v neck top. Put my hair in a high ponytail and took my phone and ran out.

On my way, I bump into Leah and Zoey, they both stare at me for sometime, that's when I surprise them with a tight hug.

"Thank you so much girls! Love you!"

They both look confused but then they smile, before they could say anything. I start walking towards the door, screaming I am going to go out with Sebastian.

Before I close the corridor door, I can see them both giggling and showing thumbs up.

I go down to see Sebastian, who looks like also changed, he is wearing black sweatpants with a grey hoodie. He had his hands stuffed into the pockets and looking around lazily.

I walk slowly and then when he see me, his eyes shine and he waves at me. Laughing at his action, but copying him I wave back at him enthusiastically.

As I go closer, he gives his arm and when I put my hand through them, he bows down and asks me to lead the way.

I was not sure where exactly we were walking, but I know I wanted to be with him and also there were some things I wanted to tell him as well.

"I mean it wasn't you alone who did mistakes. Even I had my fair share ones. I think we both are the ones to blame."

He looks at me confused, but remains silent. Looks like it's my turn to talk now.

"So yeah! I was being rude to you as well, I mean my ego took over me. I could have come up to and talked like an adult. But one I was scared I might ruin our friendship and also at the same time, I was done hurting too. I know it's so funny to tell it out loud, but I think I have this curse."

He stops me, but I drag him to a nearby bench and continue, "Yup, cursed! You may think I am crazy, but yeah, I had this theory since I was in school, that all the guys who I have a crush on starts dating someone. The same happened when I came here, with you!"

I gulped looking at his lost expression.

"As cliche as it sounds, I fell for you the moment I saw you enter the class one fine day. You were wearing this green shirt with white dots, looking so innocent but with a sinister mind. We were in the same group you were so sweet with all the people in the group, eventhough we didn't talk much. It was nice to have you around. Me and the girls were so desperate to find you name, then Chloe called us to the outing and then the rest his history. Then you started getting close to Abigail and I just thought I was not worth of you. Like look at me, a good old fat plain girl like me and there is you, having half of the girls behind you. I stopped cause I thought it was stupid for someone like you to like me and I am incapable of finding love."

He looks dumbfounded.

"Say something I know I blabbered, but that's me, overthinking and dumb."

He looks blankly and tells, "Wow, I knew you liked me but not for that long. Honestly I am out of words. I just hope, we both would have gotten over our fears and other emotions and come clean to each other. Also, please don't undermine yourself, you don't know how many guys were behind you. Outer looks does matter, but that is not it. We guys also want good heart and pure soul and we are lucky if we can find a pretty one as well."

I nod my head and look down, his words sinking into my mind slowly, but he continues, "But I hit the jackpot Maya, cause I got both! I am the luckiest person I know."

I start smiling and blushing so hard that my cheeks hurt. We both go into a comfortable silence. It was like we were processing all the information we heard so far.

"Ok Maya, I still didn't get a answer."
He asks with hope glistening in his eyes.

"Hmm, I really like you Sebastian. But, I liked you even before I knew the real you, when you were talking and telling how you fell in love with me. It made sense, you came to know about me and then fell in love. But I feel I fell in love with you without even knowing the meaning of it. I am afraid, I still don't know what that feeling is."

"Maya, love is not like a reaction, I mean people do say it's a chemical reaction. But it's more like a process in reality, it doesn't require a start point or a reason. It just happens. All that I am asking you once again, is give me a chance and let us actually give both of us a chance to prove ourselves. I mean you didn't fall in love with me just for my looks. Right?"

I hit my hard on his arm and he rubs it chucking.

"So yeah, let's give ourselves time and the opportunity. Let's not label ourselves or give us constraints lets go with the flow. Let's talk like normal times and just be ourselves. No lies and games. Ok?"

I smile brightly and nod my head. I go in for a hug but we both had different things in our mind , I guess he was going for a forehead kiss, cause now have our lips brushing past each other.

We both move apart immediately as if we both touched fire.

I look down and all that is heard is our uneven breaths and loud heartbeat. We both are sitting close to each other with a small gap between our face.

I look up and he is already staring at me, eyes with a different emotion. I am scared to even say what it is, cause this is the emotion I earned for all my life. It was love and lust mixed in. He wanted me and I am sure he could read the same from my eyes.

Taking a bold step, I place my hands on his face and before I could close my eyes, his lips fell on mine and we start kissing each other yet again, but properly.

Being my first kiss and I guess it's his too, we start kissing each other slowly and deeply. I don't know for how long we were doing it, but both of us were so kind and gentle. He put his hands around my waist and tightens his grip, where as my hands grasps his hair.

We both stop and move back with still our bodies pressed towards each other but look away trying to catch our breaths.

We place our foreheads against each other and there is a bright smile etched on both of our faces.

We both don't know what's in store for us, but for now all we want is to stay in each other's embrace for a little longer.


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