Chapter 13

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Tomorrow is the show! God! I am freaking out. Sam and Rachal are very calm surprisingly. But, rest all of us are shitting our pants.

Today we all practiced only once all together. The rest of the time we are asked to help with the decorations. But, Leah, Zoey, Chloe, Noah and I escaped in the name of the dinner. Had some good food and went back to our hide out place in the terrace.

Now we are listening to songs and the time is already 12 o clock. I can't believe I am currently using Zoey's backup as a pillow and is now looking at the clear sky.

Now, since it's going to be like two hours since we came up here, we went down to make sure people don't think we all are dead.

When we enter, Rachal actually makes eye contact with me, I thought she would be angry but she just gives me a smile and gets to work. Actually, I was very angry at their stupid rule. It seems the properties for the play should be done by the cast on the day before the show.

Already, during the charity stall time, I spent the whole fucking night in her room making handmade wreaths. I didn't want that before the main show. I have been working on this show for the past two months.

I was actually scared she might say something like that, but she surprises us by saying, "There you guys are, you can go back to your dorms. It's already too late. All the properties are kind of already done. Have a good night sleep. If you want sleep in, you don't have to attend the classes in the morning. Either way we have main practice with music and all from noon."

This certainly brings smile in all our faces, so with happy faces we head to our dorms. When I see a uncomfortable Sebastian talking with Sam. Looks like he is in the mood that he would be anywhere other than here. It is so hilarious to be honest.


Wow, ok we slept in and it is truly bliss. It seems they would give us free attendance too, because it's the show for and by the university. So now we are in the final main practice. I completed my part. Leah, Zoey and Sebastian are with their wireless fixed mikes. They all look very professional to be honest.

Sebastian is talking along with Jess and Chloe, I slowly go upto them and stand. That's when Sam comes in and says to me, "Maya, you have your hair appointment on 3 o clock. Please be on time, okay?"

I nod my head and he leaves.

Sebastian smirks and says, "Woah hair appointment and all, you gotta curl your hair I think you will cute."

I just look up at him immediately and he smiles and looks down mumbling something.


It's funny how I am running from my dorm, carrying my umbrella in one hand and in another there is my bag with my dress and all the stuff. Its pouring with thunder now.

I can't believe how correctly on the day of event it starts raining like crazy.

They left us for lunch itself pretty late, and I ate something haphazardly. Now I am hungry and I have a feeling I look like a shit too.

As I enter, the hair person is ready, I ask her five minutes and go and get changed real quick and run out. She does my hair in like 30 minutes, since it's very long.

The show is in like two hours, I start doing my makeup, gave myself a gliterry smokey eye look, with burgundy lips. I do eye makeup on some other people, it came a little bad, cause I know how to do on my own lids but on others I do shit.

Leah and Zoey come in like when there is only 30 minutes for the show, but as usual the show gets delayed for an hour due to some reason. I got ready and then we took some pictures, I looked a little stupid with the scarf, so I removed it in some of the pictures.

Then Sam comes in and he starts saying the show is about to start and first dance piece started. We all move to the backstage, that's when Sebastian sees me as he asked me something and I was replying since it was a little dark here, we couldn't see anything clearly. He actually is seeing me for the first time since I removed my scarf.

So all of a sudden he says, "Hold up!" he holds my hand and drags me to the area with the light.

He looks at me and wolf whistles and says, "Wow Maya, you look beautiful!"

I couldn't help but give him a big smile and walk away shyly. When I go back in, Leah winks at me and Zoey just shows thumbs up. I shake my head and look down.

When I about to enter in, I take a deep breathe in and as I was in the stage my scarf falls over my head, I was stressing a little, that it might fall down onto the ground. But thank god the first scene gets over and I go back to backstage and set it and get ready for the next scene.

After my part gets over, I run off to the waiting area, where Noah and Sebastian are chilling. Not minding what they were saying I ran upto to the water cooler and drank a lot of water. They both start to laugh at my action, but I just shake my head off and we start talking and joking away.

The play gets over and now we all are taking the official pictures, so after smiling for a lot of photos. My face is hurting and I am exhausted. We walk out of the auditorium laughing as usual, because Noah actually slipped on the wet stairs and now is tumbling and going down.

Since he is made of rubber, we all are not worried, because he always falls and slips every time. It's very common and normal now.

Currently, Liam is being a gentleman and is carrying my bag. HE even gave me a thumbs up when he saw me coming out, before I go up to the stage.

He is just too sweet, but he teases me all the time.

Again, Sebastian is in no sight. He ran again, always our entire group is together he runs away all the time.

Seeing this pattern of him leaving us all the time, is making me too worried. But, what's more scary is that, still I am not able to be angry at him.


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